Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The never-ending delusion of Tom Koenninger

It took no degree in rocket science to figure out that Tim "The Liar" Leavitt would be a disaster as mayor of Vancouver... and so far, he's lived up to his billing.

He lied almost through out the entirety of his campaign, as he made up an entirely false position concerning bridge tolls.

Leavitt has always supported the bridge and loot rail, and he has always, always, ALWAYS supported tolls.

The PEOPLE, however, desperate to avoid paying the massive bill the Downtown Mafia and scum of the paper like Koenninger demand, were willing to suspend common sense (much like watching the movie "Avatar") and vote for a guy who lied, but who more importantly TOLD people he was lying, because3 the other guy told the truth about bridge tolls and people, as illustrated by the unfathomable election of Obama, are willing to believe ANYTHING.

This always goes back to the one, unassailable fact:

This bridge does NOT need to be replaced.

We do NOT need loot rail.

And we DEFINITELY don't need clowns like Koenninger, who will NOT have to pay for this monstrosity of waste to tell those of us who WILL have to pay for this steaming pile "what we need."

Koenninger's arrogance led to this garbage heap today:

But let’s be vigilant about the new bridge. It must include a lid over Interstate 5 to minimize the “downtown canyon” effect through Vancouver; it must provide adequate traffic access. As the entry point to the state of Washington and to the city of Vancouver, it must have a distinctive look, the “community connector” that the Fort Vancouver National Trust is developing.

Light rail is another consideration for the new bridge. Not only should it cross the bridge, but plans are needed for its expansion in the city in years to come as a transportation link, perhaps with the aid of a trolley system. Direct access from east Vancouver to Portland International Airport should be added to the vision.


1. We do not need, want or desire the replacement of the I-5 bridges.

2. We do not need any kind of "lid" over any road of any kind, as colossal a waste of money as I have ever heard of.

3. Any structure needs to be functional, period. If it looks like a bent bicycle, then that's too damned bad. The last thing we "need" to do is pay hundreds of millions of dollars to avoid offending Koenninger's sense of aesthetics.

4. We do not need or want loot rail from any point in the Portland Metro to any point in Clark County.

Each and every aspect of this project comes from Big "Koenninger" Brother who has always believed though his massive arrogance that HE knows best.

He doesn't.

And BTW, Tom, YOU people elected him; YOU people need to live with him, liar and all.

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