Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Common sense and the US Army: Court Martialing single moms who use their kids as a reason to avoid deployment.

For those of us who've actually served in the military, we are made to understand the commitment BEFORE we sign on the dotted line.

Even though we know what that commitment calls for, the Army has made horrific mistakes in the past when "Moms" have used their children to escape from their commitments... doing so while they keep full benefits.

That practice, finally, seems to have come to an end.
Army charges single mom who refused deployment

The Army said Wednesday it has filed criminal charges against a single-mom soldier who refused to deploy to Afghanistan last year, arguing she had no family able to care for her infant son.

AP Military Writer


The Army said Wednesday it has filed criminal charges against a single-mom soldier who refused to deploy to Afghanistan last year, arguing she had no family able to care for her infant son.

Spc. Alexis Hutchinson, a 21-year-old Army cook, could face a prison sentence and a dishonorable discharge if she is convicted by a court-martial. But first, an officer will be appointed to decide if there's enough evidence to try a case against her.

This part is kind of bizarre:
But first, an officer will be appointed to decide if there's enough evidence to try a case against her.
She failed to deploy. That failure was deliberate. That's all.

With Hutchinson's decision to blow off her duty, I warned that this pattern would get bigger.

It seems that the Army has arrived at the same conclusion and now wants to end this practice, once and for all... a step they SHOULD have taken with the first case, Lisa Pagan, who used her kids as a shield like the Spartans used theirs at Thermopylae.

In that case, the Army STUPIDLY caved, and that worthless waste of skin got over like a fat rat, benefits and all, an insult to all of those who answered the call, did their duty... and sometimes, spilled their blood for this country.

Court Martial the hell out of Hutchinson... and throw away the key. She has no excuse, no reason and no justification. Lock her up for a few years and let her figure it out in prison... while someone else goes in her place.

1 comment:

  1. In November 2007, marie Claire magazine (whatever that is) ran an article, Life as an American Female Soldier chronicling 3 women serving in the Army, one who signed up for the College Payment benefit, another who says she joined the Army out of High School because she didn’t fit into any cliques and “started drinking, smoking, and taking tons of meds” because a Master Sergeant tried to place her hand on his penis and an Iraqi Security Guard asked her to become his third wife, which caused severe depression and PTSD and another who says she and her female roommate would hold music and dance parties at night with men from the unit, and then would have to sleep with her back to the wall in case they returned to rape her.

    The article seemed centered on “female soldiers deal with issues men don't even think about.” The issues? “You can't wear earrings. Makeup can't be excessive. There probably aren't many times you can feel like a girl. You had to wait in long lines no matter where you were: in the mess hall, bathroom, shower.”

    Women have every right to join the Military and many have proven themselves in battle.

    But, the nature of war does not give much time to "feel like a girl."

    There are men also who join for "freebies" and think they shouldn't have to perform their duties and I look down upon them equally.

    Bottom line is, it's the Army and it's war, better think long and hard about that before enlisting.

    There is no draft, you must volunteer today.

    It isn't a social club and it isn't a video game.

    In the Military, mission is first over everything, like it or not.

    It's not a game.


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