Friday, October 09, 2009

Wow! Great story from the local fishwrapper today: Initiative 1033 may SAVE Vancouver taxpayers millions

What's that? That WASN'T the front page headline?

Of course it wasn't. This worthless pile of used toilet paper could care LESS how badly the taxpayers get hurt as long as their agenda is taken care of. So, is their concern for those of us paying the bills? Or is it for those spending our hard-earned and increasingly scarce money?

Why do I even bother to ask?

This stain on journalism's chant to screw us with a minimum of $1300 per year in ADDITIONAL taxes if we work in Oregon in the form of unneeded and unwanted tolls for an unneeded and unwanted bridge with loot rail tells the tail.

So of COURSE this leftist rag full of union hacks will oppose this. OF COURSE their primary concern is going to be the impact on government, and not the impact of the taxpayer.

These dumb asses don't realize, however, that the more they oppose measures that limit tax increases; or the more they support those very same tax increases down the road, the LESS money is available to buy their stinking heap of a paper!

Talk about shooting themselves in the foot! Cheerleading against measures that would result in increased disposable income... cheerleaders for massive tax and fee increases that will DECREASE disposable income... all while they're DECREASING the size and features of their moronic product, and DECREASING the size of the pool of money available to BUY their worthless toilet paper... and INCREASING the cost of their propaganda sheet!

Sheer genius on the part of the leftist scum running the show.

Well done, morons.

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