Saturday, October 10, 2009

Brancaccio blows it AGAIN: his self-serving column on "fairness."

Brancaccio cherry picks ONE issue, in this case, matching convention headlines with the two political parties, and from those, concludes that he's "fair."

Clearly, self-delusion is a major tenet of running this paper.... because what this had nothing to do with was "fairness." This is not an issue of fairness. This is, instead, an issue of self-justification.

Using the Pollard Hilton for anything, subsidized by taxpayer dollars as it is (and is... to the tune of millions) is in the vested interest of this very newspaper.

It hasn't been so long that, in the interests of their faux brand of "fairness," this very paper rabidly supported the idea and act of the city of Vancouver to sue it's citizenry into silence over building that facility; a facility that has never come close to turning a profit and which, most likely, never will; into the Nazi political version of silence where, once again, their opinion might interfere with this despicable rag's agenda.

This used toilet paper is all about forcing us into silence. In everything from censoring reader comments on stories, to supporting gerrymandered tax districts where tens of thousands don't get to vote; but tens of thousands sure get to pay; to their rabid and wholly unjustifiable support of the I-5 Bridge replacement/Loot Rail project; unneeded, unwanted, massively expensive... this propaganda sheet has either demanded, or fostered through their silence, that we not be allowed to vote on these issues.

So, yes, Lou; you and your paper have never been in the same room with "fairness." You and your paper are an irresponsible cancer on our community, a place where fairness, ethics, and journalistic tenets are characteristics as foreign as Sanskrit in this paper.

This blog has over 1100 posts. Hundreds of these are devoted to documented, verified instances of the rank, unfair bias that this newspaper is known for; in everything from only endorsing nothing but democrats for open seats in the last election to cheerleading for gerrymandering a bogus tax district where, once again, tens of thousands of us will be silenced... but not exempted... from paying a tax this rag wants... after having gone whining and sniveling to an all-too-accommodating democrat legislature who obsequiously and meekly cut THIS PAPER'S B&O tax in the midst of this horrific, $10 BILLION deficit... but who damned sure didn't cut the taxes of very many others.

No, Lou... with a years long record of lies, exaggerations, and insults... with your rank hypocrisy about how a message is delivered BECOMING the message while you do nothing to rein in that scumbag editorial page editor of yours, who does everything you squealed that you abhorred, week in and week out; to the vast majority of editorials endorsing garbage tax increases such as the massive gas tax where this state lied repeatedly as to what this money was supposed to be used to build... all the way to that $8 BILLION carbuncle on this communities ass known as the CRC... your despicable rag has been anything BUT "fair."

And cherry picking this one situation, where the over riding concern was neither party nor "fairness" as much as it was backfilling the massive abuse of this community that it took to get that steaming crap pile built... does not "fair" make.

And it would take a particularly slimy worm to try and show that it did.

But then, that's you.... right, Lou?

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