Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Columbian and John Laird: Blithering idiots.

The moment I read this, I new we were in for more of this moron's rank stupidity:
Light-rail critics might have difficulty answering this question: If light rail is such a wasteful boondoggle, shouldn't the systems around the nation be contracting and even closing?
One doesn't need to read farther to bask in this simpleton's idiocy. There are MANY government programs of a wide variety of descriptions that meet the "wasteful boondoggle" definition. When have ANY of those programs closed?

Taking it further, it requires a true, leftist scumbag to suggest that because OTHER massive wastes of money don't fold, that WE should become transportation lemmings and do the same, stupid, colossally wasteful things?

This complete waste of space would have us waste BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WITHOUT ASKING US to move less people in a day then frequently, car routes do in an hour, relatively speaking.

Of course, the other issue is this:

Weren't the fine people of Dallas, Portland and Seattle ASKED if they wanted what has turned out to be THE economic black hole of billions of transportation dollars?

When are the scumbags like Laird going to demand that WE be ASKED if WE want to pay for this?

Here, the fact is that loot rail critics have NO problem answering his moronic, unconscionable stupidity.

Where the so-called "difficulty" lay is in that those ramming this crapfest down our throats WILL NOT LISTEN.

The I-5 Bridge replacement has NEVER been justified. The Loot Rail system has NEVER been justified.

We can even take Laird's complete idiocy even further.

"Loot rail leghumpers and bridge replacement thugs have difficulty answering this question: since YOU scum bags won't be paying for this steaming pile of feces; since the bridge and loot rail will do NOTHING to solve congestion or safety issues; since the ONLY thing it's going to do is blow a massive $8 billion or so hole in transportation funding; since it's going to suck as much as a $100,000,000 a year out of our local economy AND since you don't want to ASK us if we want this.... how can you support it?"

Laird and his paper are a bunch of scumbags that, while attempting to to ram THEIR agenda down OUR throats by costing us tens of millions EVERY YEAR, went on their knees to their democrats masters in the legislature to get a HUGE B&O tax cut that none of the rest of us have seen... and they unleash this moron like this?

Gee. You 'spose the message here has BECOME the message?

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