Monday, September 21, 2009

Tough endorsement decision for the Columbian on the mayor's race.

Yup, it's gonna be a toughy.

Do they go with the guy that's carried their water like Gunga Din?

Or do they go with the guy that's carried their water like Gunga Din?

We have Royce "No Choice" Pollard, the current incumbent, who has ran this city like the fringe left editorial staff of the wrapper was sending him a weekly check.

We have Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, who has done precisely the same thing, but is now trying to package himself using the New and Improved Leavittarian Double Speak veneer to get it done.

On one hand, if they bail on No Choice after all he's done to implement their agenda, what impact is that going to have on future "leaders" of our community?

On the other hand, if they guess wrong and endorse "No Choice" and "The Liar" pulls this out, then they can expect their access to city hall to be somewhat restricted... until they've paid their "penance."

The problem for the paper is that these clowns are as close together as two different politicians could be.

Yeah, yeah... The Liar points out a few occasions where he's differed... but not often... and no on much. Their number of similarities far exceeds their number of differences.

Neither of them want to allow us a vote on this massive, huge waste of billions known as the I-5 Bridge replacement and loot rail; both want tolls, but The Liar lies about it by falsely claiming he doesn't want tolls; both believe the utterly and criminally worthless waste of hundreds of millions known as loot rail is all that and a bag of chips. Both believe that wasting billions for a replacement bridge is a perfectly acceptable vaporization of dollars they, personally, won't have to pay.

Both would assign 65,000 people besides themselves a debt that will last decades that they won't have to pay.

As a result of the monumental arrogance that can lead to this kind crap, neither are fit for elective office.

Unfortunately for Southwest Washington, they're all we have to chose from.

Yeah... it's gonna be tough.

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