Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obama's Keystone-Cop politics.

There's an increasingly major element of tragedy that is the comedy in the White House... now that Paterson blames the empty suit for his troubles.

Unforced errors that would make even the newest beginning tennis player blush and hide their heads in shame. An inability to avoid the appearance of incompetence and short-sightedness that is going to cost, if it isn't already costing us, major amounts of spilled blood.

We all know the idiocy that has marked the tenure of the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot occupying the White House; it would serve no purpose to rehash those elements of a failed presidency here.

So when we look at the stupidity of the White House and Paterson, all we can do is shake our collective heads at the morons running this country and believe we, as a Nation, can actually survive the empty suit's hopefully impeachment-shortened tenure.

The set up? Paterson, something of a major-league adulterer himself, took over for a dumb ass named Eliott Spitzer, who felt the only way he could get laid was to pay for it, in amounts that simply boggle the mind.

The problem is that Paterson has been an abysmal disaster as governor, not unlike most leftists who manage to scam the job.

That he was/is a disaster isn't a particularly difficult problem for the empty suit. The problem is that, unlike our half white president, Governor Paterson is all black... and vision impaired to boot.

Now, any fringe-left scum will tell you that no thinking, sentient being could POSSIBLY disagree with the empty suit's program of turning this country into a Marxist, Socialist Utopia unless they are possessed by the demon racism.

It's an automatic, built in, fall back possession for almost every leftist politician: explain and mute the opposition by running around, screaming, "RACIST!!!!"

It's a crock, of course. But playing the racism card knocks the opposition off message and plays to white guilt.

So... how are we to react to the Empty Suits's interference in New York politics? It's difficult to claim racism under the circumstance. Given the president's half-African, half Caucasian bloodline and Gov. Paterson's black genetic make up, can either party claim "racism?" Can their surrogates, like Obama's Winged Monkeys?

Of course not. Thus the moronic handling of this relatively simple matter again brings to light the rampant stupidity at play here... the frightening incompetence again displayed by the ACORN-in-Chief.

Paterson's insistence on running is a huge help to the GOP. Leftist efforts to clear the field for Cuomo, now exposed as most of their amateurish crap eventually sees the light of day will hurt them with key constituencies and provide the possibilities for major inroads by Giuliani with both minorities and a frequently overlooked group that can still vote in large numbers: those challenged with physical issues can be exploited for purposes of charging, this time accurately, discrimination by those who would sweep Paterson out of the way in the interests of political expediency.

And if those running this show weren't complete idiots, they'd already know that, and this whole sorry episode could have been avoided.

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