Saturday, September 19, 2009

What do Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and Barack Obama have in common?

Besides lying every time their jaws move, I mean?

Why, Leavitt endorsed Obama, early on.

And from his campaign, it sure seems like Tim, with his Leavittarian approach to campaigning, is doing everything he can to emulate his hero on issues that really matter to this community.

How's that "hopey-changy" thingy working out for you, Tim?

It was insane to endorse the empty-suited, Anti-American racist bigot in the White House, whose rank incompetence will reverberate for generations.

I freely admit that Leavitt has done better then I thought he would. But when you're a liar surrounding himself with the corrupt (Like Commissioner Steve "Put the 100G in an envelope, please" Stuart) maybe it isn't that difficult to do.

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