Sunday, December 03, 2023

Seattle continues to sink into the abyss...

This a quick reminder: Eric Johnson of KOMO was among the first to sound the clarion call with his seminal work "Seattle is Dying" and his follow up effort "The Fight for the Soul of Seattle" tore the cover off the conditions that few outside the King County area know of.

Screen capture for the opening scene of Seattle is Dying.

The "War on Drugs" was a failure. Not because, IMHO, it was the wrong cause.

But because we ignored the roots of the problems that brought us to this point.

Leftist government's response (frequently with the aid of GOP help) has been to legalize all drugs, everywhere.

(Yeah, I know... they eyewashed it enough to make it a misdemeanor. etc. But can anyone explain what difference any of that has made? And in this state, the GOP has been complicit in this abandonment of responsibility to those they would govern.)

As a result of these ongoing, continuing failures... more than 10,000 Americans a month are dying from illegal drugs generally and fentanyl/tranq particularly.

Government generally and leftist government particularly has surrendered. We have and continue to waste billions and the result is the problem gets worse every day.

And yet, we are just doubling down. Every year, we waste more and more money while we do nothing to hold those providing this stuff accountable.

There are some who turn a blind eye to this massacre. They claim that it's thinning out the gene pool or some such.

What would our response be to some foreign country killing 10,000 Americans a month? A slaughter that has been literally going on for years?

Open borders, lax to no law enforcement, weak to no deterrent penalties for the manufacture/distribution of these chemical death traps, inadequate rehab facilities and no emphasis on personal accountability.

We do not have the luxury of fostering such an environment.

We either have the will to address this issue and reduce the need for expanding the King County Medical Examiner's morgue, which is filled to overflowing with OD'd corpses awaiting autopsy...

Or we don't.

And it's pretty clear to me that we're nowhere near the point where we must end the confusion of motion (which accomplishes nothing while looking like SOMETHING is being DONE) and action (which accomplishes what actually needs to be done.)

If you haven't already done so, watch these two documentaries. To me, it represents the finest in journalism, an increasingly all-too-rare commodity.

And keep in mind that since these efforts were broadcasted, billions have been spent and the problems... drugs, mental illness, homelessness, sex trafficking and the other crimes supporting those... have become GEOMETRICALLY worse.

The second documentary is a follow up to the first. And sadly, the title is, I believe, prescient, in that Seattle's "soul" is long gone.

"Seattle is Dying"

"The Fight for the Soul of Seattle"

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