Wednesday, November 22, 2023

A question actually 3 questions. Bring back the draft?

 A question actually 3 questions:

1. Why do we need a draft? 2. Can we bring back the draft and 3. Will it work?

1. We need a draft because American leadership has failed us.

More and more flag officers (Generals/Admirals) are promoted based on their political acumen/gender/race as opposed to their actual ability and experience.

For example, the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is not best known for any of his combat exploits. He is, however, well known for declaring that the US Air Force has too many white officers in place.

Do we have too many white officers in the Air Force?

In my experience operating weapons and other military hardware, I had yet to be queried as to my skin color or reproductive capability by the system in question before I operated said equipment.
Now, the worst possible framework for advancement has taken place: slavish devotion to fringe-left dogma of all kinds (converting all military equipment to EV to save the environment, insane costs and total lack of infrastructure notwithstanding), support of the insanity of spending hundreds of millions of military and VA funds for gender-mutilation and subsequent lifetime drugs and health care, affirmative action and support of the disastrous idea of women in ground combat... and all manner of social engineering that does not and never will make the US military a more lethal fighting force more capable of performing its mission which boils down to closing with and destroying the enemy.

We need a draft primarily because those who would mostly consider enlisting are well aware of the "woke" nature of the military, where if you tell the truth on any given subject, your career is over, and you face court martial and prison for doing so.

If you express concern over reduced combat readiness as a direct result of insane socialized policies like those inculcated into the military today, you are done. And if you don't rabidly support those policies, it's a QKR, aka a "Quick Career Killer."

In short, what used to be the main reasons for enlisting have been reduced to the point of invisibility.

During the Biden Administration, the Army has yet to come close to meeting quota. And within the past week, they hit full panic mode and reassigned 800 NCO's to full-on Recruiting Duty, instead of meeting their career progression requirements. Those redesignated had as much as 6 days warning.

The Army is so desperate that almost all qualifying requirements to become a recruiter are waved. Substantial bonuses and promotions are being offered as bait. The Air Force? They've increased the age to 42.

I get what we've been bombarded with as excuses for failing to meet recruitment goals, as instead of engaging in a bit of introspection as to why enlistments are off at a catastrophically low level, we're entertained with a "tiny" pool of eligible individuals excuse.

Too fat. Too many use(d) drugs. Too many have a criminal record, and initially, too stupid; a situation attempting to be addressed with the Army's version of "headstart," (which, come to think of it, shows no particular advantage to the students so engaged) resulting in the claim that of those actually eligible for enlistment by age, only 28% actually qualify.

Yet, during the Trump Administration, that same "pool" enabled Army quotas to be met 3 out of 4 years of his tenure.

That same "tiny pool" was all that was available for the last year we met quota (2020) and since then, the Army has been reduced to meeting McNamara's 100,000 level requirements to even get the pathetic numbers we make now, still far short of the goal.

McNamara's Folly: lowering the standards to fill the ranks.

Of course the horrific public schools we have ramming their anti-country hatred and almost total lack of academics down our kid's throats doesn't help.

2. Can we bring back the draft?

Absolutely. It would take congressional approval and funding... but that doesn't mean it can't happen. It CAN happen.

But unless the East Coast is invaded, that's hardly likely. Further, the specter of women being drafted, which, under equality laws is ultimately unavoidable, will mean that half those drafted will be horrific fighters.

Imagine. Women, who generally are very big on SITUATIONAL equality of the variety that doesn't inconvenience them, have remained steadfastly silent over the obvious inequity of the draft, where men are the ones yanked in from the street to die/get crippled/injured for their country to provide women the freedom to ignore this PARTICULAR brand of inequality, may now find themselves given the same privilege that so many man have died from, or suffered horrific pain, for.

Exclusive of the obvious hypocrisy of this failure of the so-called "women's movement," the price of freedom is not free. Which causes one to wonder why women shouldn't be given the same opportunity as men to pay that particular price.
Army offers women "equality" in career opportunities 

You'd THINK that women would be pounding on doors and clogging the streets DEMANDING this equality. Their silence is deafening as they confirm they have no interest in equality beyond the situational variety. (Not unlike fallacies like the "wage gap" and so forth.) Based on the response to current legislation, however, it seems that the only demands are just the opposite: mainly that women would continue to be draft-exempt.

But for those and many other reasons related to those reasons, no matter how bad the situation gets outside the United States, Congress/President (likely, no matter who controls either) will put their political futures ahead of the needs of the country as they so frequently do,

We've already heard from fathers claiming their "daughters will be drafted over my dead body" because they're not interested in true equality either if their princess has to shed blood for this country to achieve it. So imagine the blow-back if the draft/mandatory service was restarted.

3. Will it work?

That's an open question.

It COULD work, perhaps. Israel, by comparison has just lost the equivalent in America to 60,000 people by population. What would OUR response be to such an attack? (And, for the record, women are subject to mandatory service in Israel as well.)

Well, that depends. Under the current administration, it likely would result in commissions so a determination could be made as to who we offended so much that attacked us and how can we avoid it in the future.

The only way in 2023 or the near future a draft would work is to make the cost of avoiding the draft so expensive that kids would have hard time accomplishing that. Of course, we could expect mass evacuations to leftist countries ala Canada during Vietnam.

Naturally, parents and other family members would be terrified if their son or daughter was drafted. After all with the combination of horrific military leadership and equally horrific political leadership, who'd want to go? With the sacrifice of time and money wasted on social engineering and brainwashing the troops into believing, falsely, that women are equal to men (How many women received a Combat Infantry Badge during the Afghan/Iraq war?) instead of spending more time on the craft of destroying the enemy... *I*, a 14 year veteran of the Army, would not consider enlistment these days unless the Russians were landing in Georgia.
The al-Tanf military outpost in southern Syria. U.S. personnel based here have come under repeated attack in recent days. (Lolita Baldor/AP)
And now? Now bullets are flying. Americans in the Middle East are suffering wounds for which they might not even get Purple Hearts. (Memo to the Washington Post: football players get injured. Servicemembers in combat situations get wounded. Big difference.) At what point will the draft be reinstated? Things will have to get far, far worse than they are now, but it remains a possibility. As opposed to a likelihood.

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