Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Ceasefire in gaza? Horrific mistake.

Have you noticed it?

The hypocrisy of leftists and their fake outrage over Israel responding to Gazan terrorism and 1400 dead, hundreds raped and thousands wounded... Ongoing silence by feminists everywhere. Outward antisemitism and hatred of Jews generally and of Israel specifically by the left en masse and their situational ethics on display for all.

College campuses, including Huskyville University of Washington are allowed and become hotbeds of hatred and demands for genocide of the Jews/Israelis supported by several college/university administrations.

More leftist bigotry on full display. Another shameful episode right up there with US policy towards Jews in World War 2. Similar bigotry displayed when US policy sent thousands of Jews to their deaths.

Himmler would be proud.

Leftists everywhere who hope for the destruction of Israel have been demanding a ceasefire since October 8th.

Israeli soldiers carry the coffin of 22-year-old First Sergeant Moshe Naftali, who was killed in the attacks on southern Israel, Photograph: Bernat Armangue/AP

"Humanitarian reasons" is their cry.

But those with functioning brain synapses and even a vague geopolitical understanding of the region know better.

ANY "ceasefire" (which hamas is likely to completely ignore) will serve no one but the terrorists. How'd the "ceasefires" work out in Vietnam?

The "ceasefire" is allegedly to return hostages. How many depends on what you've read.... 50 to 150. This, by itself, sets a dangerous precedent.

Do leftists notice that hamas terrorists have hostages and Israel, despite having hundreds of terrorists locked up, do not?

That said, we can now fully expect hamas to engage in the science of taking... and killing... more hostages in the future.

But more importantly, this day pause is a huge strategic opportunity for hamas to reorganize and resupply. In fact, the draft agreement includes a requirement that Israel END DRONE SURVEILANCE OVER BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH GAZA FOR THE DURATION OF THE CEASEFIRE. And the result?

More people will likely be killed as a result of this kowtowing to leftist whiners than are being saved.

Imagine a 5 day ceasefire a month after D-Day in Normandy. Imagine what would have happened.

The outcome here is likely to be similar. IDF momentum stopped in its tracks. Zero strategic advantage to Israel which, due to its short logistical lines, has zero problem with resupply.

So, one can reasonably ask themselves: who will gain the most from this effort? And why?

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