Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Well, it looks like the GOP is fixin' to have us bail on Ukraine.

So much for that "Never Again" shtick.

At this point, one is confronted with the bizarre reality of the GOP apparently wanting to reward Putin for murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping and inflicting billions of dollars of destruction on/in Ukraine... a series of acts most recently played out this past Oct 7 in Israel.

Are they next on the abandonment list?

It looks like the movement is on to, once again, abandon a country we assured we'd support, which as far as that goes is the historical reality of the entirety of the United States historical foreign policy as we prepare to relive-in-reverse the stupidity of isolationism that brought us World War Two.

Of course, one finds it difficult to separate the chicken salad from the chicken poop. Media histrionics is one thing, practical reality is another.

But here's the next practical and historical reality:

The United States did this.

The United States publicly gave Putin permission to invade.

The United States lied to Ukraine in order to get them to turn over the nuclear weapons to Russian in the mid 1990's because Ukraine was stupid enough, or foolish enough, to actually BELIEVE us when this country guaranteed its territorial sovereignty.

The United States did this when we failed to provide the wherewithal to defeat Putin on the battlefield.

This is not the first time we've thrown a country a life ring only to yank it back and watch them drown.

Like our colossal failures in Afghanistan, we're now prepared to watch Ukraine collapse and become a Soviet serfdom and, as I knew and stated many times; fail to hold Putin, et al, accountable for their actions.... actions more reminiscent of the 3rd Reich in Europe than any other historical action since Adolf was running the show.

Now, we've watched as the Taliban have turned women back into mindless drones best described as chattel. And like the murder, rape and assault victims of post-US Afghanistan, we've watched as American and international women's groups remain silent as Russians AND hamas rape, pillage and plunder like the so-called "good old days" of the Nazi's lebensraum days.

Failing to continue our support of Ukraine is a massive, inexplicable mistake. Ukrainian men and women have been killing Russians and dying over there so we don't have to. And at some point, if we abandon Ukraine?

Dying is precisely what we're going to have to do.

And those complaining about "costs" and "corruption" and everything that goes with their opposition for some reasons real and many imagined, if we allow Ukraine to fall or reward Putin in ANY way as he seeks to reestablish the Iron Curtain...

These costs in lives, equipment, and strategic advantage don't come close to the American blood that WILL be spilled if we do this stupidity.

Putin is a modern day Hitler. He's followed Hitler's playbook to the Nth degree. His troops have frequently acted like the Einsatzgruppen of Germany in Russia and now, Russia emulates those savages like Himmler was teaching them classes on how to do it.

And I'm reminded of that phrase attributed to George Santayana that those foolish enough to forget history are doomed to repeat it.

And if anyone POSSIBLY thinks Putin intends to merely stop at whatever reward the GOP wants to provide him for this invasion without further expanding his empire into NATO in the face of this obvious intransigence, you've got another think coming.

With this failure, the United States will have turned "Never Again" into a meaningless bumper sticker.

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