Friday, October 13, 2023

Israel has invaded Gaza... just like they said they would. But what about the civilians?

Indeed.  What about them?

As I have stated elsewhere, Hamas, forgive me, fucked up. 

Had they stuck ENTIRELY too military targets and personnel; had they left the civilian population ENTIRELY alone, had they resisted the urge to behead babies... this would be a different situation.

But they did not.

Babies were slaughtered in the most heinous ways... ways that would make Himmler smile.

People of all ages, grandparents to infants, were brutally murdered in ways that would have sickened Jeff Dahmer. Women were raped repeatedly. Entire villages were destroyed, people and buildings.

And now, hamas apologists want a ceasefire. NOW, they want "peace."

Israel, for their part, has determined they are going to squeeze Gaza like a banana. They are going to kill anyone remotely related to hamas.

As they should.

Look, no one wants to kill civilians.

Except hamas.

No one wants to mutilate pregnant women.

Except hamas.

No one wants to behead infants.

Except hamas.

During World War Two, Axis Powers killed literally millions. Japan slaughtered millions of Chinese (Look up the Rape of Nanking, for example) Germany had entire SS battalions devoted to slaughtering Jews, both in concentration camps and on the Eastern Front (SS Einsatzgruppen)

The Allies, for their part, killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese and German civilians as a result, mainly, of bombing raids. Japan lost about 2.3 million civilians. Germany about 6.8 million. Only Italy's civilian casualty count did not exceed their military losses.

Those killed in those raids were killed in the vicinity of military targets for the most part.

But understand, Japan had no problem killing 150,000 Chinese POWs in roughly 3 days... while raping and frequently murdering 20,000 women in the process.

Most reading this are well aware that Germany murdered hundreds of thousands of Russian POW's, and they also engaged in rape of women in the countries they captured.

So, when we used bombers... and we used them... a lot.... it was with a "kill them all and let God sort them out" kind of attitude.

Hamas took over Gaza in 2007. They've controlled it like a fiefdom ever since. But the entire purpose of the gazan population of some 2.1 million is to provide raw material for Hamas, in terms of fighters, logistics and support. And the civilians did nothing about it. That, perhaps is their crime, a crime of indifference.

It is not fair that civilians are caught in the middle. It's not fair that people who had nothing to do with the attack a week ago will suffer for it.

And all of that is true.

But it wasn't fair for the Israeli men, women and children butchered by terrorist scum, either.

Historically, in any kind of fight, you've got two main sides. Half-hearted efforts have been made to actually promulgate the Rules of Land Warfare. The Hague Conventions (1899 and 1907) the Geneva Conventions (1929) UN Charter (1948) and so forth were attempts to civilize the uncivil.

There is, you see, only one rule in war, and that's to win.

Of all of these treaties and conventions, which ones DIDN'T hamas violate?

And now, many demand that Israel follow rules that hamas ignores constantly and consistently?

Nope, sorry.

Hamas butchered 1300 or so people in their attack. Unarmed, nonthreatening, people; many of whom happened to be American. 

In terms of population, this is an equivalent of roughly 60,829 dead in this country (334 million divided by the Jewish population of Israel, or 7.1 million times 1300 people dead) 

This is compounded by an unknown number of hostages, hostages hamas has threatened to behead in living color and broadcasted. So far, this has apparently not happened, but you can let your mind imagine what these scum HAVE done instead.

Israel has no choice, strategically, but to write the hostages off. They must do whatever it takes to destroy hamas and their adherents. 

Collateral damage will take place. But unlike hamas, that damage won't be deliberate. IDF troops will not rape or mutilate. They will not behead infants. They will not machine gun the elderly in their beds.

But Israel cannot realistically expect to continue without visiting a level of devastation on Gaza that will forever end even the idea of using that land as a base to again attack this country.

A lesson must be taught here like a lesson was just learned.

And THIS time, the phrase "never again" must be meant.

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