Friday, October 13, 2023

What do we do about the islamic terrorists and their supporters infesting this country? University of Washington support of Hamas.

Since the massive Hamas terrorist attack a week ago, we've seen hate on a massive scale across this country, and we've seen governments at all levels doing absolutely nothing about it. In fact, we've seen just the opposite. We've seen government entities such as the University of Washington both allow and enable hate speech on campus, where yesterday, terrorist supporting scum called for the eradication of Israel... on campus.

Leftists are increasingly fond of telling us that "no one is above the law." Well, we certainly know better by now, don't we?

Antifa scum are rife. Terrorist supporting scum have free rein to do whatever they feel like... say, whatever they feel like.

As a UW alum, I wasn't particularly surprised that the leftist administration joins with terrorist supporters and wannabes in their support of Hamas. Of course, finding out that a former UW student was killed by Hamas in their most recent efforts to slaughter Jews in Israel should have at least tempered a giddy, out-of-control, leftist-supporting Administration's efforts to support terrorism, but hey, in Seattle and surrounding areas, I suppose this sort of thing is to be expected.

Labeling this Hamas support rally as "pro-Palestine" is typical leftist media misleading: those supporting Hamas at this latter-day Klan rally want Israel and its Jewish inhabitants eradicated.

One wonders: would the UW Administration be this welcoming to a white supremacist rally on campus, in this case at the appropriately named "Red Square?"

Because there is no difference. As one Jewish woman student told an administrator yesterday, "These people want us dead."

Indeed. And it appears the Administration supports that effort.

And it's not just the Husky Administration. It's college administrations around the country. It's cities that allow these hate-filled demonstrations. It's a federal government that fosters this sort of thing and then when attacks happen, wonders why and or how such a thing could take place.

When you have members of Congress celebrating these attacks? Then perhaps it's time to reevaluate what we should be doing about them.

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