Saturday, October 14, 2023

Today's insanity: Gay support of Palestine.

Back in '77 or so, I was in Saudi Arabia as a crew-served weapons instructor. I was assigned to the Saudi Officer Ordinance School in Al-Taif.

I had occasion to visit the downtown area on a Friday, which is traditionally their version of the West's Sunday. I had heard there was going to be a triple-header at the main mosque: homosexuals were going to be executed by sword.

Taif Mosque, Saudi Arabia

Without going into any detail (I mean, it's not terribly difficult to imagine what happened) suffice it to say that, in addition to the multiple canings (alcohol, among other things, is prohibited and caning is usually the punishment) and the odd hand amputation for theft, it was a jam-packed day. Must have been 5000 or so on hand. Venders were there like at a US baseball game.

Since my final return to the US back in 86, I've been confused.

Why would the LGBT (aka "alphabet") community "stand with" a society who would cheerfully execute them in a heartbeat if their activities became known there?

I'm not going to suggest for a moment that ALL gays are that moronic. But it's not unlike concentration camp inmates cheering on their SS Guards.  I simply don't get it. Never have. 

This video shows, to the extent YouTube allows it to be shown, ISIS executing 10 for allegedly being homosexual. It was a lot more organized at the mosque, and the punishments were inflicted by what appeared to be a Saudi Army Captain.

Hamas, for their part, has certainly shown their brutality in their most recent attacks against Israel: after all, any organization supporting the beheading of infants and shooting the elderly in their beds (there are no pictures of the scenes where the elderly have been murdered available that Blogger would allow. Google it if you must) certainly would have no problem carrying out the muslim prohibitions against homosexuality.

Scene of child murders

I freely admit that I am confounded by alphabet support of terrorist scum. Is it a requirement if gay, to support any and all leftist tropes?

Gays at a terrorist-supporting rally yesterday in London.

If someone's got a clue, feel free to school me.

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