Friday, July 14, 2023

Will's "Never Trumper" delusion.

Sometimes in politics, even seasoned professionals replace reality with what they want. Will is the preeminent "Never Trumper" who exited the GOP in June of 2016 over Trump, and like most Never Trumpers, he always takes the opportunity to shill for RINOs at the expense of conservatives... and anyone but Trump or Trump Light

That the uber-leftist Washington Post published this nonsense is telling by itself. But the gaping hole in WIll's harangue is simple:

He names no one else who he believes WILL be the nominee.

But is it a coincidence that Will's wife, Mari Will, is working on Sen. Tm Scott's (R-SC) campaign for president?

This, his facts-bereft screed is not a reality... its much more a hope... a wish... an outcome that he likely prays for. But 2016 proved him wrong then as well, as it did so many other allegedly Republican talking heads. 

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