Saturday, July 15, 2023

Biden's nominee for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who appears to be another of his affirmative action hires, also appears to be a racist.

God Knows the enemies of the United States who, given the opportunity, would destroy us as a nation without hesitation, have been given more than adequate reason to laugh hysterically at the unspeakable idiocy of our civilian leadership AND our reliance on generals promoted not so much for their military competence as they have been for their political reliability.

Not unlike the leadership of the Soviet military under Stalin.

Our country deserves the best leadership that can possibly be provided. The best policies. The best equipment. The best living conditions for the Forces and their families. The best training. The best facilities. The best of everything we can provide with the singular goal of fielding the finest fighting force in the world.


But while our enemies train to destroy us... While out enemies train with weapons and tactics...

We waste time on doing our best to socially engineer the members of the US Military to the point where we fall laughingly short of our enlistment and retention goals; primarily because of the CRT (Critical Race Theory)/DEI (Diversity/Equity/Inclusion) insanity rammed down the throats of the military, day in and day out is the order of the day.

Because we have wasted time and millions of dollars on the farce of training women for ground combat for YEARS while simultaneously refusing to ever deploy them in those roles (ever seen a woman with a Combat Infantry Badge? Why not? Women have been Infantry qualified and assigned since 2017.  Why is it none of them were ever assigned in ground combat units in Iraq or Afghanistan?) While expending additional millions on ineffective sexual harassment training and seminars as we simultaneously train our service members to believe they're misogynist and/or racist.

There can be no disagreement that Biden's last choice for the Supreme Court was nominated entirely due to her race (black) and her gender (female). She met Biden's repeated criteria for a replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg generally while lacking a particularly distinguished legal career particularly to support such a nomination.

Best known for being incapable of defining what a woman is, claiming she wasn't a biologist; she is, essentially, a wasted seat, someone we'd never have heard of had she been some color not black.

In that same vein, along comes Biden's nominee to (finally) replace Army General Mark Milley, whose tenure was marked by essentially admitting to committing treason with his assurances that he would call the Chinese personally if then President Trump were considering launching an attack.

That man, Air Force Chief of Staff General C.Q.Brown, signed off on a memo to the Air Force last October, stating, essentially, that the number of white Air Force officers should be reduced by 5400 (9%) and that the diversity of the Air Force should reflect a population cross section of America today.

The entire concept of the military is a color/gender-blind meritocracy. It cannot be based on affirmative action.

We need the best possible officers and NCO's leading our men and women who signed up to put their lives on the line for this country in ALL services.

Affirmative action is an anachronism that, in the military, WILL get Americans killed.

Those who hold General Brown's peculiar point of view should not only NOT become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, they should not be allowed in the military at all.

It is, IMHO, no less racist than the Klan. And in fact, imagine a General C.Q. White, claiming that the officer corps of the US military should reduce the numbers of black officers or service members by ANY amount... merely because they happen to be black.

Meanwhile, those who would destroy us have yet another reason to be rolling on the floor at the stupidity of both this leadership of the country and now, the prospective leadership of the actual US Military.

If it wasn't so utterly sickening, it would be hysterical.

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