Thursday, July 20, 2023

Six hours of testimony yesterday by two IRS agents on the Hunter Biden DOJ/IRS jam job

Six hours of testimony yesterday by two IRS agents (one, allegedly a democrat) laid bare what we all know: That the DOJ/IRS is weaponized against Republicans and defending the Bidens.

Look around. Where's the outrage? Where's the "statements" from local politicians like Wyden or Murray or Paypal?

I mean, the local media elements had no problem lining those same people up to spew their vitriol over, say, ending affirmative action in colleges (such as it is... as if the schools using skin color to exclude whites and Asians won't find some other way to continue that peculiar leftist practice) or applying the plain language lack of a Constitutional "right" on abortion to spew their vile and hate rhetoric at the Court specifically and Republicans generally.

In fact, I just goggled it to see if there were any public comments. Here's what I found:

Patty Murray - Nothing

Ron Wyden - Wyden's accomplishment to date?

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), a member of the Senate Finance Committee and a co-chairman of the Whistleblower Protection Caucus, is being denied access to the investigation by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Washington Examiner has learned.

The cardboard cut-out of a congresswoman, #antifa sympathizer Marie Gluesenkamp Perez for Congress - Nothing

Senator Jeff Merkley - Nothing

Maria Cantwell - Nothing

Racist bigot congresswoman Pramila Jayapal - Nothing

But in the past, they've had SO MUCH to say.


Cricket chirps.

The evidence of criminal activity is overwhelming as is the evidence of DOJ/IRS and the media's efforts to cover it all up.

Leftist hypocrisy, as usual, reeks.

And nothing will come of any of this. If Joe Biden had axe-murdered a Girl Scout troop, these same scum would still support him... and democrats, if they said anything at all, would claim he tripped holding an axe multiple times and inflicted mortal blows as a result.

Meanwhile, the Biden Regime continues unencumbered by either the Constitution or law. And Congress does nothing except to continue their political games.

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