Thursday, July 20, 2023

It would seem that once one is in the military, one can undergo free gender mutilation.

In 2021, the Potato-in-Chief signed an Executive Order to stick the taxpayers of this country not only with the total costs of gender butchery in the Army... COMPETE gender butchery.... but the subsequent long term disabilities that will inevitably result. 

As it is now, 100% disability pays a great many benefits, including around $3500 per month tax free... and free medical care for life, something not offered to other soldiers who have not been wounded in combat, who do not have a high enough disability rating or who were not wounded/injured during their service.

These surgeries are not trouble free. And because they took place while these people were on active duty, we, the People own them all.


And some are taking advantage of it.

Transgender surgery is now free for military, thanks to Biden executive order

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