Friday, July 21, 2023

I estimated it would take a week for the "All Star Game Clean-Up" to totally disappear. It didn't last that long.

As expected, with the All Star game an increasingly distant memory, Seattle resumes its position as the leading shithole in the state.

With typically incompetent leftist governments at both the city and state levels, did anyone expect anything else? There typically is/are shelters available. But relatively few take the opportunity.

I worked with homeless vets at a vet center. Imagine my surprise to discover that the majority of vets who are homeless want it that way.

Getting off the street requires rules. Cities like Seattle and Portland have adopted this "Shelter First" scam.

That is, they provide shelter, and you can continue to do drugs, blow off rehab, blow off training, blow off mental health help, blow off finding a job. Seattle and Washington State have spent tens of millions of our dollars on the program, and they point to a number of people in shelters and housing and so on.

But the vast majority of them are no better off than they were when they were homeless.

And until the homeless are forced to confront the causes of their homeless status?

It's all a waste.

That's why it was easy to figure out that anything done to put a happy face on Seattle to remove the "blight" of the homeless as if they didn't exist for the cameras, or the crimes they commit, their overdoses, the open air drug dealing would not have any permanent impact on the problem.

Government refuses to do what's necessary to address this problem.

Meanwhile, the homeless industry continues to explode because they claim they're actually "making a difference."

Are they really?

How many body bags do we need to see being taken out of these shelters that require zero accountability before somebody acts, before government does the unpleasent things that have to be done to make an impact here?

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