Thursday, July 13, 2023

A warning sign concerning twitter.

",,,maintain free expression and make Twitter a safe space for everyone."

Says the woman running the company with a very recent history of 1st Amendment violations/censorship.
Such a highly placed executive should know that, no matter what, some snowflake will whine about something. Thus, there's no such thing as a "safe space for 'everyone.'"
There wasn't before Elon took it over and that won't be going forward.
That's the fatal flaw for "threads." It's nothing more than another leftist censorship platform.
One of the responses to Linda's stupidity was simple and to the point:
"Twitter is safe. Words do not harm. Doxing, on the other hand, MIGHT harm."
Words are only harmful to those demanding victimization. There's something to be said about the "sticks and stones" approach.
Thus, my opposition to idiotic (and unevenly applied) "hate crime" laws.
I believe that, for example, desecrating an American flag is a hate crime. But none of those in support of "hate crime legislation" agree with that perspective.
Even use of the term "safe space" is a leftist bent that should be avoided if the genuine goal is to provide a free speech platform.
"Everyone" is far too over-inclusive... and guarantees, in some form or another... the reinstitution of leftist censorship under the "safe space" (never disagreeing with the left) policies that make social platforms such a cesspool of idea censorship.
I have been busted by FB for a 30-day ban because I had the temerity to share embarrassing pictures of Hunter Biden from his laptop that had been in the public domain for months under the excuse that I was violating TOS by sharing "private information."
The US Government has violated the rights of hundreds of millions of us by limiting the free expression of ideas and posts that go against their meme. But it DID turn social media platforms into the "safe spaces" the new twitter CEO seems to crave.

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