Thursday, July 06, 2023

I'm sorry, but as a US Army Combat Arms veteran, I cannot urge my children to enlist.

While our enemies train full time to kill us, the US Department of Defense trains full time to socially engineer us.

The insanity is obvious to most anyone who ever served.

Hopefully, change will come soon enough to get rid of the reliance on fringe-left, peace-not-war mentalities infesting the US Military today so we can get back to training for the business of destroying the militaries who would cheerfully obliterate us.

And with dependence on militaries like the one it's becoming increasingly clear we must rely on now?

Our government is making that task easier.

Here are two military recruitment videos.

One from Russia. One from the US. Watch them both. Then ask yourself: in a hand-to-hand situation, what would the snowflake Corporal Emma portrayed in the second commercial be capable of doing to the Russian soldier portrayed in the first?

Beyond the series of very unpleasant things that would happen to her, since she is a little cute she?

Rest assured that our enemies are not wasting time trying to convince their gay or alphabet populations to enlist.

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