Thursday, July 06, 2023

Congrats to our lame duck governor, Jay Inslee: you've made Washington State #1 In gasoline prices!

Well, like most leftists, we know Jay Inslee isn't beyond lying to get what he wants. In this case, punishing those who drive internal combustion engine cars.

Inslee, following the lead of democrat pols everywhere, is a liar. He's quoted as claiming his gas tax scam would cost: "pennies."

Reminiscent of Obama's Obamacare lie ("If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, etc.") Inslee stupidly claimed both the low cost AND the bizarre idea that "not all of this would be passed off to the consumer."

Anyone with functioning brain synapses knows better. Jacking up a gasoline tax at the refinery level AUTOMATICALLY means that ALL of this rip off is being passed to us: why wouldn't they do that?

"This is going to have a minimal impact if any. Pennies. We are talking about pennies," the Governor said. "Potentially, not all of this would be passed off to the consumer and what they would (pass on), would be pennies."

His stupidity in yoking us with a massive tax increase, (Adding just under 50 cents per gallon to the price of gas/diesel) which we will not only pay to drive our cars and trucks, but also pay in higher prices everywhere else, is a deliberate act that was done to make ICE vehicle users and consumers hurt.

For leftists, it has the additional benefit of flooding hundreds of millions more into their fringe-left programs that wouldn't otherwise survive, like SB 5599, where the state uses taxpayer dollars to pay to mutilate your children through gender butchery.

Lame duck Jay Inslee, hurting millions in Washington State

Yesterday, driving to the coast in Oregon, I was watching gasoline prices.

Our local Shell station was charging $5.29 per gallon in Kalama.

A Shell station on the highway to Astoria?


This gas tax increase, imposed on the refiners, is purely to raise revenue that the leftist caucuses can use however they see fit. The net effect is obviously inflationary and impacts everything we use or buy, as transportation charges explode and ALL of those cost increases are passed along to us, the consumer... even those low-income individuals and families who can afford it the least.

The irony is that even the privileged who can afford the stupidity of EV's get stung by this insanity: all of the goods and services THEY use are more expensive now as well, DIRECTLY as a result of this Putinesque effort to whip the population in line.

And this result is not collateral damage. It's DELIBERATE damage.

Whatever the public justification for this insanity, the end result is "pain."

And the democrats don't care.

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