Tuesday, July 04, 2023

This is a major in the US Army who is mentally ill.

We've had mentally ill majors in the past. One of them shot up Ft. Hood if memory serves.

What these two have in common is one simple connection: neither should have been allowed to remain in the military.

Equally insane was the Army's insistence on taking this mentally ill, definitely out-of-shape field grade officer who wouldn't pass tape or likely pass a PT test (and one wonders: which standard is he required to meet? The male standard or the much less strenuous female standard?) and making him into some sort of symbol.

Maj. Rachel Jones USASC, Chief, Cyber Division G6 (Information management)

And there is no question: he is definitely a symbol.

He's a symbol of everything wrong with the military today. He's a symbol of a total lack of professionalism AND he's a symbol of how everyone ELSE is SUPPOSED to support HIS mental illness by referring to him as something he is not and never will be, no matter how deluded or mutilated he may happen to be.

He is, by definition, just that: mentally ill. Generally, mental illness disqualifies one from service in the US Military. This, then, is a symptom of the leftist disease infesting the US military today. Our enemies were likely at first astounded, and then much more accepting of the insanity of yet another moronic Biden policy designed to reduce/eliminate our effectiveness as an armed force.

Rest assured, the forces opposing us do not waste their time, effort, energy or money accommodating a sick individual who should have been long since discharged.

The claim that his ability to devolve from male standards and despoil the uniform by playing female is something to either be proud of or cheer for is insane on its face. It's the Klinger Philosophy come to life.

The utterly bogus claim that his ability to wear women's clothes on active duty somehow "saved his life" is the most insane aspect of all of this insanity... as is the false claim he's somehow "living authentically."

He's no more "living authentically" then anyone else with a mental illness.

But it is the variety of insane policy that Bidenistas are known for as we're led by political generals instead of military generals.

And we are going to suffer for it.

In fact, we already are.

As, once again, the Army fails to meet their recruiting/retention goals, don't even believe for a moment that garbage such as this does not play a substantial role in the upcoming demise of the all-volunteer military and the re-implementation of the draft.

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