Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Ukraine in NATO?

Let's not hold our breaths.

Can one join NATO in the middle of a war and not attempt to invoke Rule 5 (An attack against one is an attack against all)?

Essentially, I believe that ship sailed within the first month of Russia's invasion. Had NATO immediately came to Ukraine's defense, this war might have been over in hours.

But going back even further, had Biden not publicly approved of the invasion in the first place, none of this would have happened.

The rule in stores is if you break it, you own it. The US, in large part due to Biden's usual stupidity, incompetence and big mouth greased the skids for this insanity.

Putin's political generals, not unlike our own tools in DOD, did the rest.

I do not see any scenario where Ukraine is allowed NATO membership while engaged in combat operations against Russia.

Zelensky, for his parts, wants NATO membership for obvious reasons. But for equally obvious reasons, I don't believe he's going to get it.

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