Thursday, June 08, 2023

Trump indicted over documents. OK... What about Biden?

Trump has been, presumably, indicted over the documents issue.

Biden has done the exact, same, thing. Where's his indictment?

There are a great many issues that will have to be resolved. Among them are the fact that Trump had ultimate declassification authority.

When Biden took the documents he was proven to have in his possession, which began as far back as when he was a senator, he had no such authority.

The question becomes somewhat simplified: If Trump committed a crime worthy of federal indictment, then where is Biden's indictment? Or, for that matter, where is Hillary's indictment?

The White House has few choices in this matter: in fact, we can already tell the future.

Karin John-Pierre, White House Press secretary, will do what she's always done: stand at the podium and lie.

She and the other fringe-left surrogates will claim, over and over, that Biden's document issue is "different" somehow.

Just like these same people claimed Trump was up to his ears in Russian collusion.

We can expect a parade of leftist polls to mouth those same platitudes: that the unsecured boxes of classified documents in Joe's garage are "different."

Isn't it always the case that it's "different" when leftists do it?

So, what does the GOP do now? The RINOs announced against Trump will set up a Jan 67-style committee/A-men choir and say, in unison, "see, we told you so!"

But will they be believed?

Are the leftists merely engaging in their past successful stratagem of a Chinese water torture of negative information about GOP candidates... a drip, drip, drip of never ending lies and exaggerations for ANY important position, let alone the presidency, because they can't run on their inarguably horrific record?

Why wouldn't they? Who has been held accountable for their lies in the past? Who's been put in jail? Who's even been fired?

A cop murdered a protestor on January 6th and didn't even get a parking ticket. If you can kill somebody in cold blood and not even be arrested for it, then what's the incentive to keep leftists from doing what they've always done?

I don't see it right now myself. I don't see an upside for the left to have pulled the trigger on this insanity. It's almost like they're in full panic mode because they're terrified of Trumps polling numbers.

Do they think this will have some sort of negative impact on him when their guy is equally guilty but NOT equally indicted?

You cannot indict Trump without indicting Biden.

It's that simple.

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