Friday, June 16, 2023

Slow news day: leftists want to blacklash history and cherry pick removal of certain statues. Why stop there?

There's a tiny problem with this.

It's well-known that the democrats were big supporters of slavery and many violently opposed civil rights. A Civil War that cost around 360,000 Union lives to end slavery.  Lynchings, Jim Crow, racial discrimination, "White's Only" signage, back of the bus, school segregation were all democrat tenets.

Even today, they require minorities to remain on the plantation or they attack them savagely... perhaps not physically, but verbally.

Anyone to the right of Lenin who doesn't toe their line is fair game.

For example, democrat state senator Tim Sheldon (WA-D35) has been the recipient of hundreds of thousands spent on other democrats who primaried him. At the national level, Sen. Time Scott (R-SC) and Former Congressman Allen West (FL R-22) were equally savaged by leftist racists and frequently are to this day.

So, I'd amend this woke insanity bill and expand it to eliminate any mention of any democrat who ever held office at the federal level.

Who, for example, could ever forget those hallowed words from President Lyndon Baines Johnson?

“These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again. [Said to Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA) regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957]”


--In 1947, after President Harry S Truman sent Congress proposals against lynching and segregation in interstate transportation, Johnson called the proposed civil rights program a "farce and a sham--an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty."

--In his 1948 speech in Austin kicking off his Senate campaign, Johnson declared he was against Truman’s attempt to end the poll tax because, Johnson said, "it is the province of the state to run its own elections." Johnson also was against proposals against lynching "because the federal government," Johnson said, "has no more business enacting a law against one form of murder than against another."

If you're going to blacklash history, then go all the way. Don't stop at a few simple statues, get rid of the biggest cancer in America today.

The democrat party.

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