Friday, June 16, 2023

Criminal murder is criminal... except in Washington State.

A few days ago, a 32-weeks pregnant woman and her baby were slaughtered in a random shooting in Seattle, a city desperately competing with Portland to become the Chicago of the PNW.

I did a more extensive write up here yesterday that talked about the victims, the shooter and the complete lack of anyone actually giving a damn. No riots. No looting. No police assaults. No roads blocked... focusing on the woman, the baby and her husband, who was also shot but will survive.

Without a family.

I was stunned today to find out that the baby, who was delivered at a local hospital but did not survive, does not have the status of "human being" in this state.

I say that because the alleged shooter, who was black and who slaughtered this mother and her baby, who was Korean, will not, apparently, be charged in the baby's death.

That's right.

This child is dead because of a criminal act perpetrated deliberately by a racist convicted felon who destroyed these people because they were Asian.

This is what the leftist scum in the legislature of this state have done to us.


The perpetrator will likely spend the rest of his life in jail (If there's ANY justice left in this shithole state) but he will not spend a minute behind bars for the murder of that child. I sincerely hope that the leftists who made this happen and allowed it to continue are proud of what they've done.

That's you, Jay Inslee.

That's you, Washington State Senate Democrats.

That's you, Washington State House Democrats.

That child's blood, his life, his father's lifelong anguish?

That's all on you.

Belltown shooting suspect charged in murder of pregnant woman, but no charges in death of baby

Still picture of story from KIRO news

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