Saturday, June 17, 2023

Obama's epiphany: he's suddenly concerned about the truth, wants "digital fingerprints."

Looks like Obama is beginning to show signs of dementia:

Obama suggests 'digital fingerprints' to counter misinformation 'so we know what's true and what's not true'

Stupidity isn't a great trait for an ex-president. Like everything else on the internet. "Digital fingerprints" could be faked as much as Obama's understanding of the Constitution.

Further, since Obama was arguably THE biggest liar to set foot into the White House until Joe Biden stumbled along, how would that impact him, Mr. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?" Or Mr. "This will make healthcare more affordable for all?"

Additionally, Obama doesn't seem to explain how "fingerprints" of any kind determine anything.

I, for example, can put my fingerprints on a Ferrari door handle and then claim that I own it.

I can put my fingerprints on my house doorknob and then claim that I own the house.

How do those "fingerprints" prove one but disprove the other?

How do "fingerprints" per se', prove anything about the ownership of these items? How does my claim of ownership get proven or disproven by their presence?

We already know in the most well-known example, that the entirety of Obamacare was a "deep fake." So, how would such a rule have impacted him?

You better be careful, Barack. You just might get what you ask for, for all the good it would do you... or us.

Even, it would seem, when the leftist journalists lie their collective asses off. 

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