Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Justice Dpeartment's Hunter Biden sell out.

For now, anyway, DOJ has again sold out on another Biden. GOPers suggest it's a "slap on the wrist." 

It's not even a tap.

Hunter Biden gets the expected hand shake, since it's really who you know. And OF COURSE Biden has to "stand by" him. Hunter can bury him and he knows it.

Leftists lose their minds over background checks and this scumbag you committed perjury on his gun form doesn't even get a parking ticket out of it. 

Will leftists demand that Hunter be perp-walked and get his mug-shots?

Evidence exists that would find him guilty of multiple federal felonies; the kind of thing he'd be facing if his last name WASN'T Biden, but in our Nation's dual tier system of justice, one for leftists and a completely different and much harsher version for anyone to the right of Mao, any sentient being already knew that in a Biden Justice Department, even these traffic tickets are close to astonishing.

But both Hunter and the Big Guy are guilty of far, far, worse. And Gorsuch damned well knows it.|

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