Thursday, June 15, 2023

Facebook engaging in continued Hunter Biden-like censorship.

I read a story this morning from a website known as "" on the issue of impeachment articles against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

This is what happened when I attempted to link to their story:

Facebook censorship, raw and uncut.

I was well aware that articles of impeachment had, in fact, been filed against the Nondynamic Duo of the worst leadership in the White House that this country has ever known.

So, to get the story out, I googled it and instead, posted a story, substantially the same, from the Western Journal:

I'm confused. As the upper picture shows, Facebook refused to allow this story to be linked, laughingly calling it "spam." They go on to claim that "spam" violates their "terms of Service."

Yet, in a given month, Facebook spams our timelines with literally hundreds of ads.

So, one man's "spam" is another man's revenue, eh?

Count on Mark Zuckerberg to be ever the hypocrite.

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