Monday, December 10, 2018

The hatred of the G-Cult continues.

Folks, nothing is over.  The Gellatly Cult's destruction was only temporary at the reorganization.

They are out there.  They haven't gone anywhere.

They're ignorant, which is to be expected.  Neither Druggy Dave nor Lew Waters know as much about State Party and County Party relations as they do re-targeting nuclear missiles... and all of these people are dead wrong about what the state CAN do and, of course, what they will do.

“The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” - Robert Burns

(The best laid plans of mice and men are often led astray.)

They were so sure in their arrogance that their poison pen PCO letters saved the day.  But it's like most everything else Druggy was involved in: they had no idea what they were doing; they had no clue on how to count votes, they were a disorganized rabble while they were running the show and they remain the same right now.

What they wanted while they were in charge was for the opposition to either be assimilated... or obliterated (as illustrated by Gellatly's horrific lawsuit)  And that certainly hasn't changed.

But that's not really the point.  The cancer is still alive and a part of the local GOP.  The bylaws which discuss removing members from meetings who can't behave must be ruthlessly enforced.

Expect Crain and Marcy and their ilk to exhibit diarrhea of the mouth both in and out of meetings.

Yes, they were crushed.

But as you can see, they're out there lurking.  Their hatred grows.  There is no lie they won't speak or write, no exaggeration, no end they will not attempt to get their power back.

They, of course, know everything.  Anyone opposed to their incompetence, their arrogance and their hatred knows nothing.

That's why they were so successful at the reorg, right?

But the idea that we should forgive and forget is simply impossible.  Eternal vigilance is required, since these clowns have done such a great job tipping their hands.

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