Thursday, December 06, 2018

Thankfully, the psychopathic liar is no more.

A sense of relief pervades that the whack-job can do no more damage.

It's sad, really.

Our resident drug-using thief is reduced to this.

One way to judge the veracity of this liar's statements is to ask yourself: what was the outcome of his bogus allegations?

Was anyone he named arrested?  Was any action taken at all?  Was his bogus effort to "trespass" us upheld?

No, No and No.

This had nothing to do with anything except his attempt to engage in revenge against those of us opposed to this overgrown adolescent who saw the local GOP as his own personal fiefdom.

He actually tried to destroy the life of a PCO who disagreed with his drug-addled administration of the party which has been a proven disaster... by suing him into severe financial distress.  And how did that end up?

Gellatly needs help.  Badly.  He's been an embarrassment to us all, and had his background and drug use been known before he got the gig as GOP Chair, he never would have been elected.

Arrested for theft, multiple DUI's, bench warrants for failure to appear and felony drug use.  Does anyone reading this HONESTLY believe he'd have gotten this job?

Of course not.

You know it, I know it and he knows it.

I could go on and on and on about this guy and frequently have.  But let me leave you with his own words... so you can use them to judge him yourself.

About a month ago, Druggy sent out an email that most of you received.

Included in his self-flagellation, was this little tid-bit.  Remember?
(b) Please keep in mind, all those who voluteer[sic] to give up their time to serve should be appreciated greatly by all of our members and any negative compaigning[sic] against our own members rather than qualifying their own candidacy shows a serious lack of qualification in itself. 
Those who can run the most positive campaign will also be the best people to make our party positive for all of our members. Please keep communications positive and work together to elect the best possible team to lead us forward and continue the amazing work we have accomplished this past year together.
Those words, rife with the typical Druggy Dave misspellings, came from Gellatly himself.

Now, with about a day and a half until reorg, he sends out this garbage... under the lie of and including nothing related to the subject line... "documentation" that no one "requested."

Odd.  He seems to have completely forgotten what he was preaching a few short weeks ago.  Why might that be?

Click to make bigger

There you have it.

The choice is up to you.  An extension of this sort of psychotic behavior... or a clean slate to begin the process of rebuilding and healing the party that Gellatly has worked so hard to destroy.

Rewarding his enablers who stood by time after time and allowed his reign of terror to go on, instead of holding him accountable and doing what should have been done months ago.,, or bringing in a new vision, a new plan to repair the damage he caused.

In the end, it’s your call.  Remember this as you mark your ballots.

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