Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Thoughts on the Reorg.

It was a near thing.  I floated a test vote at the Reorg to get a preliminary count (Sorry about that, Joe) to see the numbers and they looked bleak... 71 - 51, was it?

When the chair vote took place, I was teetering on the brink.  So much was at stake... I had, in fact, picked up my stuff and was prepared to not only leave... but to resign as a PCO had the vote gone to Jesser and, God Help Us, Gellatly.

There was no way.... NO WAY...  I was going to be forced into a back-bencher, grist for the Gellatly Cult's mill role that a terrified Druggy Dave attempted to jam me into with his idiotic censure motion... which actually, sorta ended up the way I knew it would.

Two more years of incompetence? Lies? Manipulation?  Hammering on PCO's wise enough to pierce the opaque curtain of RINOism with which the Cult reeked?  The stench of, essentially, providing confirmation of everything Druggy Dave had done?  Providing confirmation of his despicable actions, arrogance and incompetence?  The Mattila-style arrogance?


I got up, headed to the back of the room... stood there... heard the numbers... and I was literally stunned.

Not that Crain/Macey was crushed.  Crain is a cancer... who on earth would even remotely want her in charge of even an elevator?

No... her humiliation was expected and not surprising in the least.

I was, however, close to slack-jawed that the Bowerman/Pell ticket was the leading vote-getter by far; 70 votes.

I knew that there was no way all of the votes for Crain would roll over to Jesser.

And, so, like most everyone else, I stood there on pins and needles, waiting... and I was right: 2 additional votes went to the B/P ticket... and it was done.

With the exception of Mattila and Duvall, it was a clean sweep.  As Mattila told the PCO's back in August when he was positively giddy about the outcomes of the PCO poison-pen letter campaign orchestrated by Cancerous Carolyn Crain, (with the help of several RINO former party chairs) the "swamp was drained" at this reorg meeting... just not the way Mattila and the other Cult supporters anticipated.

Mattila, of course, wants to be a Trump delegate to the national convention in the worst way.  And that's how he's been acting out in support of the Gellatly Cult... in the worst way.  Davey let him speak for around 20 minutes (which, because Mattila was a candidate for reelection, should never have happened) and he used it to babble about GOP themes he cheerfully ignored during the past regime.

Ultimately, when it was announced the B/P ticket had won, the looks on the faces of the Cult members was almost worth the insanity they had visited upon the local GOP scene for the past 2 years.


Druggy looked like he'd crapped a Volvo.  It was a thing of beauty.

Now he can concentrate more on being God's Gift to women and less on the destruction of this party... that he was wholly incapable of running as his tenure proved.

But I hardly mean to be petty here and I fully recognize that it will take, literally, years for the local GOP to recover from the nightmare of the Cult's "leadership."

At this point, some take the more biblical view that, having ousted the Cult from infesting the local GOP, we should let bygones be bygones and move on.

And in a perfect world with perfect people, I might agree.

But when your positions and politics are built on hatred of your political opponents, as the Cult's philosophies actually are, that is simply not an option.

Their singular goal is the destruction of the GOP as we know it.  Druggy Dave has some incredibly bizarre ideas about what the State Party can do or would do even if they could.  It gives them comfort to actually believe the state party would in any way interfere with this county's party organization.

Obviously, the irony of that belief cannot be overstated given the insanity of Druggy's last two years of running this party into the ground.

Meanwhile, sanity has been restored.  Those who've lost their grip on power are rabid in their hatred of those of us who worked so hard to remove them.  They had it allllll planned out.

One of the more butthurt proclaimed he couldn't wait to read what *I* had to say about all this.  Well, far be it from me to disappoint... and many thanks to Lew Waters for shining the light on their RINO hatred... not just his, but the hatred of those tossed on garbage heap of local politics was nicely provided by that self-same Waters, who simply cannot help himself when it comes to proving his irrelevancy.

Thanks, Lew! And thanks to all those morons who were stupid enough to comment on your blithering idiocy, outing themselves once again for what and who they really are.

So, no.  No forgiveness.  No bygones. 

Eternal vigilance against those and those like them is the price we must pay.  In the next PCO elections, we must counter their hate letters as a part of a campaign to keep them out.  We must engage these thugs the same way they influenced the last PCO election.  We must do more to identify PCO's sympathetic to the cult and hammer them.

The grass roots rightfully control these outcomes.  And the contrast between the past soviet-style regime and the one we have now.  We need to hold candidates and incumbents accountable for their actions.  If they lie, they must be held accountable.  If we fail to hold them accountable, how does that make us any better than the scum we just got rid of?

The run up to 2020 is going to be interesting to say the least.

And I wish we did not have to be distracted by these lowlifes who, in reality, will work harder against the local GOP than any democrat who ever lived.

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