Thursday, October 18, 2018

Another example of the clown who is Clark County GOP Chair

Regular readers are aware of the disdain and disgust that so many, including myself, hold the the chair of the county GOP.

There is example after example of the efforts this clown has made to destroy the local party.  His incessant attacks on the many wise enough to be opposed to his continued involvement in the GOP, let alone his rank incompetence as the leader of a volunteer organization, his incessant lying, his defamation of those who see through his facade and believe that the best thing that could happen will be his departure from the organization.

Simply stated, he's scum.

His most recent example?

An individual who will become a PCO shortly, who ran unopposed in August, has asked for a copy of the bylaws and the latest treasurers report, which this ingrate promised to email out since the treasurer has blown off the last two PCO meetings and Mr. Chair looks at the treasurer's report like it's written in Sanskrit.

Now here lately, this lowlife has taken to attempting to attack, belittle and undermine the party secretary.

Burt when it comes to his buddy the treasurer who has completely failed in his job to keep the PCO's appraised of the pathetic finances of the local party which has resulted from Mr. Chair's incompetent mismanagement; who neither bothers to show up for meetings he's required to attend, nor does he make sure the PCO's know what's going on?

Not a peep.

The chair's efforts to libel and defame the secretary are, no doubt, based on the fact that I found out this pig is doing all he can to keep ME from being seated as a PCO.  As I pointed out in this post, he threw a hissy-fit to keep his remarks on the subject out of the official minutes of the September EBoard meeting.
Chairman [Gellatly] brought the topic of [a] Membership Code of Conduct. Being a PCO does not automatically make one a voting member [well, yeah... it actually kinda does] or allow easy access to the CCRCC.  Other counties and the State Party have some language in their bylaws to prevent Democrats or other people who are not really Republicans from becoming voting members even if they are PCO's.  He [Gellatly] is proposing a bylaw change that some PCO's who have demonstrated they seldom support Republicans would need to be vetted / checked out before they would be credentialed for CCRCC meetings.  He and Leslie [Meharry] specifically pointed out this would apply to KJ Hinton.  Leslie mentioned that on multiple occasions Hinton has said he votes for democrats in his blog.  David said he would check with other counties to see what language they use in their bylaws.

This is just another of the dozens of snapshots which clearly prove this asswipe, with his record of drugs while GOP Chair, his arrests for theft and his DUI's, would be best suited being a pimp on MLK in Portland.

Here's a quick glance of his most recent arrogant megalomania.

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First of all, ANY Republican asking for this information should get it.  What does this puss-bucket have to hide?

It's hardly secret.  All of these numbers are available via the PDC.

But this scumbag's effort to talk this married man down as a "kid," (like Gellatly isn't a childish punk?) goes to the heart of the matter.  "No one cares what you want buddy?"

This is the kind of filth that has passed for "leadership" from this clown.

Gellatly simply hates all of us that oppose him.  And he uses his position to belittle, antagonize, attack, defame, and lie about those who want him and his cult gone.  You a conservative?  The Big Tent isn't big enough for you and me unless we go along with his program and you need to understand that at least part of his hatred stems from the fact that Kalup's wife had the guts to stand up against a RINO like Julie Olson.

We've had at least two PCO meetings in Olson's restaurant.  Hopefully, the new regime will put an end to that sort of thing.

Hatred, you see, is hardly the linchpin of leadership.

No single individual is more responsible for the damage the Clark County GOP has sustained.

Idiotic signs that make the local GOP the laughing stock?  An inability to raise money so that for the first time in memory the local GOP is not providing a dime for candidates?  A failure to make sure that ALL seats had GOP candidates and, of course, who can forget this moron actually thought that the democrat county treasurer was a Republican; at least until I bitch-slapped him into changing it on the GOP website:

His attacks and threats against me and my family, for example? Well, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

His efforts have buried and shattered the GOP around here.  His hatred of conservatives, even though he and his RINO buds claim to BE that which they loath?

His admitted cocaine use while party chair, his past record of theft of and DUI's and bench warrants for failure to appear.... that alone shows his unsuitability to run an elevator.

This is how he treats people who don't go along with his program.  This is his idea... and that of the Cult who supports him... of how to run the local GOP... which he has...

...directly into the ground.

Fortunately, it seems he's finally had enough.  So have we... and imagine how much better off we'd be if he had never gotten the job?

Who is in charge of vetting the announced candidates?

Both Jesser and Crain are trainwrecks for reasons well known to all.  Crain is looking to get humiliated... again... as her efforts to keep conservatives out of office are the crap of legend.

Jesser was an abysmal failure as Chair of the Republican Women and a total Gellatly enabler.  She's as unfit to take over... to be Gellatly light... as Crain.

Meanwhile, we're told, we have to put all of this aside and simply support with out most precious asset... namely, our votes, whoever happens to have an "R" after their names, regardless of their record, regardless of their history of selling us out, regardless of their efforts to shut out conservatives and regardless of their efforts to publicly attack those who might not see it their way.

I will not be bludgeoned by anyone into supporting anything.

Or anyone.

I will be voting Republican in this election and nothing but.  However, I will not do it blindly.  I will consider every aspect of every candidate.  And part of that consideration will be based on how the party has treated those they despise.

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