Thursday, October 18, 2018

Interesting how the democratian doesn't care if you lie to get elected.

I'm referring to Scott Weber.

Weber, who has been our county clerk for 8 years now, is one of those who simply lied to get elected.

He told the whole world that if we elected him, he would do everything he could to abolish the office.

But those yearly 6 figure pay checks seem to have changed his mind.

The local rag knows this, but lying is one of their favorite past times, and hell, how can they condemn a man for doing the same thing they do most every day?

They're aware of it, of course: in their endorsement of Weber, they wrote:
 In 2010, as a political novice, Weber ran for the office with the platform of abolishing it. For that election, he wrote in the voters’ pamphlet: “We need to manage our public money better. One way to do that is to eliminate elected offices that have very limited functions. … If elected I will work to eliminate the office which will save the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. While I work to phase the office out, I will do everything I can to save taxpayer money.”
Now Weber has a different view of the job, which has an annual salary of $114,509.

Money talks.  Six-figure money apparently screams.

Meanwhile, does it matter that he was a "political novice?"  I remember Brent Boger telling me about the plan before they hatched it.  I told him then... and I since told candidate Weber on more than one occasion... that it was a GREAT plan.

As long as Weber followed through.

He did not.

He wasn't a child.  He was a man and he made a promise he had zero intention of keeping.  The rag suggests that we should reelect a man THEY admitted did not tell the truth.

He has made no serious effort to do what he pledged, and he used the elimination of the job as a hook to get elected.

Had he made any such effort, I would cheerfully have voted for him but we have so many lying politicians in office now that I simply cannot support any of them and I am not about to support another one, no matter how good of a job the Lazy C claims he's doing.

I won't do it.

I will, instead, be writing in Republican Baine Wilson, Weber's deputy.  She ran for the job in the term before Weber's.  She ran a solid campaign but, you know the Lazy C and their leftist earned media shtick.

Whatever anyone chooses to do is, of course, up to them.  But as always, I urge you to VOTE REPUBLICAN.  I will be voting Republican in every race and I urge you to do the same.

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