Friday, October 19, 2018

Will democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

Most reading this are well aware of the Keystone Cops actions of the local GOP.  Letting at least 3 elective offices go unchallenged (County Treasurer and both House seats in the 49th) and former GOP party chairs are busy endorsing non-Republicans) while failing to hold alleged "Republicans" accountable for their actions and, of course, attacking conservatives (which they hate even more than the democrats do) and at least one and possibly more seats are likely to be lost this November.

But nationally, the leftists had the "mo."

And now it seems to be gone.  That doesn't mean the GOP can't still find a way to blow it; it's not like they haven't done it before.

However, the insanity of leftist actions, even before their Kavanaugh debacle, seems to have turned the tide.

The GOP, once again, appears to be fired up in ways rarely seen before.  A competent local party with competent leadership easily could have caught that wave, but we lack those essential elements to take advantage of it, thus the likely loss of eminently winnable elections.

But at the national level, the left has been busy firing "own goals" day after day, week after week, month after month.

Everything from McCaskill hiding planned murderhood's campaign contributions to Booker's "Spartacus" insanity along with Feinstein's lies about Kavanaugh and Maxine Waters being let out of the insane asylum have all added up and subsequently, built up like lead poisoning.

Taylor Swift's endorsement of Marsha Blackburn's opponent in Tennessee appears to have guaranteed his defeat.  The Irishman known as Beto has gone so far left there is now zero chance he could get elected dog catcher statewide in Texas.

The base around the country is fired up.

Around here?  Not so much.  But that, you see, is a result of the low-quality candidates and incumbents along with low quality leadership from the local party establishment.

But there is less and less talk about a democrat takeover of the House as they peaked far too soon and as I said... they've lost the "mo."

Now, the leftists are paying millions to bring illegals up through Mexico.  The election will likely rise or fall on the outcome.

The President has drawn HIS "red line in the sand."  If he does not stop these people from crashing in over our border, leftists efforts to have judges stop him notwithstanding, then the "mo" will likely go back over to the left and the GOP will possible lose both Houses.

The President MUST stop these illegals.  I am not concerned with how he does it.  Results are the only thing that matters here.  If they get through...

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