Saturday, August 04, 2018

The anonymous RINO scum attacking PCO's provide all the justification needed to vote against Jaime Herrera.

So: illegal anonymous mailers are going out that have the stench of Crain all over them.

Crain, who is the complete conservative-hating RINO, has been attacking conservatives for years.  Even now, this fake Republican demands that all other Republicans vote for her RINO slate while she chooses to vote for non-Republican Marc Boldt for County Chair, as laid out here:

Rank hypocrisy doesn't even begin to cover it.

It's not like an actual Republican isn't running in that race: yet none of the scum attacking PCO's have endorsed her... and Crain wants us to vote AGAINST an actual Republican.

Why on earth would a Republican PCO ever want that?

Meanwhile, Crain's endorsement of my leftist brother-in-law, who was also endorsed by the fringe-left Young Democrats, by itself provided all the justification anyone needs to vote against everyone on that list her fake Republican group spewed out in the post linked above.

But her latest abortion is a full-on reason to vote against Jaime Herrera.

Here's one of her lies sent out to get a RINO elected to PCO:

"Colwell voted to censure Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler for funding our military budget."

That's a lie, of course, typical of the psychotic Crain-ilk.  But it's rare to find truth and the Crain cult anywhere in the same room.

But even if it were true, and God Knows Herrera should have been kicked out of the GOP years ago for her leftist voting record, what those reading her garbage are being told... is that based on one vote (that never happened) Colwell should not be a PCO.

Well, if that's true... then shouldn't Herrera's democrat vote to oppose the repeal of Obamacare be reason enough to vote against her for reelection to Congress?

How could this scumbag, who badly wants her fellow RINO reelected to Congress, oppose such an outcome?

After all, she or one of the other Gellatly Cult members wrote this tripe and sent it out, didn't they?  She wouldn't want to be a proven hypocrite and liar, would she?

If a fictional vote like the one described in this trash is reason to vote against Colwell for PCO... then shouldn't Herrera's democrat vote to keep the hated Obamacare in place be all the reason needed to vote HER out of office?

It is for me.

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