Saturday, August 04, 2018

Memo to Ann Donnelly: Is this what you meant in your bogus attack on PCO's smart enough to disagree with you?

Regular readers know about the character assassination these "former GOP chairs" engage in as they desperately try to keep their corrupt, RINO control over the local party.

One of the more interesting likes from the sewage they troweled out was this:
"We advocate conducting our party’s grass-roots activities in a respectful, collegial, and professional manner, without personal attacks or undue dissention."
Last night, this was the kind of "...respectful, collegial, and professional manner, without personal attacks or undue dissention." that was going on... the kind that shows the rank, stinking hypocrisy of those scum.
I will just ask politely that you and your little group of special people refrain from attempting any kidnapping (illegal citizens arrests) moving forward, or I probably will see you in court.
Sorry bud, 

Nothing you demand means anything of relevance. And denying facts doesn't make them go away. 

Here are a couple for you, Suzanne Gerhardt posted online to all CCRCC members that she had provided a treasurers report at all board meetings. However, she didn't for several months which caused another board member to accuse her and and[sic] her husband of theft. Myself and another board member stepped in to resolve it. Also, Suzanne told the board several times that all PDC reports were completed on time, which after calling our third party filer we found was completely false and had never once been on time and the failure to do so lead to thousands in fines for the party.

Take care.
Let me know if you need my attorney's contact info. Along with the supporting facts that lead to her removal. 
And what started it all:
Noted: luckily Suzanne did not do our books, so we are much luckier than the CCRP who had to deal with the consequences of her lies to the board and the CCRCC members.
These were the responses to the demand to review the books of a bogus little PAC effort by someone we all know and despise.

For me, the question is:

Of these responses, could any of you six idiots explain to me which are "...respectful, collegial, and professional manner, without personal attacks or undue dissention?"

You should have no difficulty doing that, since they all came from that drugged out, narcissistic, scumbag party chair that you so slavishly support.

I, for one, find it extremely bizarre that you support a chair who lies like he breathes, attacks in every possible way those smart enough to oppose him, and who routinely engages in character assassination all while forgetting his own criminal and drug record that none of you care about (Even though none of you would even consider hiring someone with a record like his to work in your business) while you people keep him in charge.

If you liars REALLY felt the way you did in that letter, you'd have no problem whatsoever condemning this slimeball and demanding his ouster.

But since none of his attacks are ever directed at you, clearly, you simply don't care what he does as long as he does what he's told.

You and those like you are despicable hypocrites and I look forward to neutering you all at the reorg.

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