Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Want a reason to vote against Republican candidates? Here ya go, courtesy of Carolyn Crain.

One of THE worst RINO scum hypocrites in the local party is none other than Carolyn Crain.

The RINO scum infecting the local party are, of course, doing all they can to get rid of any conservatives, either in office or supporting them for office.

And Crain, along with her fake Republican outfit, are part and parcel as to why I have no problem not only not voting for certain Republican candidates, but actually opposing them.

After all, we can't have a double standard around here, can we?

Former party chairs who happen to be PCO's in some cases oppose actual Republicans running for office, right?

Five of those RINO scum endorsed and campaigned for the disaster known as my brother-in-law for county chair 3 years ago.

None of them voted for Rep. Liz Pike, the only Republican running.

Now, six former chairs are out there campaigning for RINO PCO's and none of them have endorsed Eileen Quiring for county chair and, once again, she's the only Republican running for that position.

Crain and her leftist cult have worked very hard for democrat Marc Boldt.  And even now, even though she is a "Republican" PCO, she STILL endorses the disaster known as Boldt... and so does her fake Republican organization that ripped off the Clark County GOP name, the wrongly labeled "Republicans of Clark County PAC."

If there's a fake Republican running, these scum will back them.  They'll vote for a democrat instead of a Republican conservative and have done so.

That's why I oppose any candidate they endorse.

And speaking of which, here's their endorsement list.

Note that these scum continue to endorse Boldt due to their hatred of conservatives.

As for me, this serves more as a list of people to vote against instead of for.

Crain and her ilk support the morons who've taxed us to death, who jacked our fees up to the stratosphere and who would/will continue to do so if they're elected.

I oppose Chipman primarily because the only reason she's running is she's bored and needs something to do she says, although that wasn't part of her editorial board.

Stewart and Olson are self-evident leftist scum and I'd vote for Satan before I'd vote for either of them.

For those I COULD vote for, I opposed Hutchinson (who has zero chance) Herrera, Vick, Hoff, Kimsey, Van Nortwick, Kimsey and, of course, Weber.

Hinds isn't a Republican so why vote for him?

Yeah, voting with the same attitudes of the fake Republicans is fun!

And these lowlifes provide all the justification needed to vote for whoever you want, regardless of party or record or lack of transparency.

Yeah, I actually need to thank these lowlifes... the "former party chairs" and Crain, et. al,  for helping to destroy party loyalty, civility, honesty and integrity around here.  I owe them SOOOOO much for helping to make that possible.

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