Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Marc Boldt.... "confused"

I am 1000% opposed to my brother-in-law being elected to anything.

The private Marc Boldt is far different from the public persona.

He's an arrogant ass, and regular readers of my meager effort here have seen, chapter and verse, as to why he shouldn't be allowed to run an elevator.

Among his other accomplishments, he took... and kept.... $5000 out of his 2012 campaign by falsely reporting he was repaying himself a nonexistent loan... $5000 that has NEVER been accounted for.

The Public Disclosure Commission, which should have referred this theft to the Attorney General for prosecution, DID permanently ban him from ever handing his own campaign finances.

So, this total incompetent can't handle the few thousand dollars of his own campaign.... but he CAN handle the hundreds of millions of dollars of a county budget as council chair?

To add to his stupidity, this morning (and yes, color me stunned) the local democrat newsletter reported that Boldt falsely announced he had been endorsed by the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council.
Walker pointed out that Boldt is endorsed by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 48. Bob Carroll is the union’s business representative, according to its website. He also serves as the vice president of the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council, according to Walker.

Walker said that she spoke with Boldt after he claimed the endorsement. She said that when Carroll reached out to Boldt telling him he had been endorsed, Boldt assumed he was being endorsed by the entire Southwest Washington Central Labor Council, and not the individual labor union.
“He was obviously confused,” she said.
"Obviously confused."

The story of Marc Boldt's political life.

As a leftist, Boldt would naturally want a democrat endorsement although having been endorsed by the Young Democrats in 2015, they have since dumped Boldt because this time around, they think Eric Holt can actually beat Boldt for county chair.

Last time, they didn't believe that anyone running could beat Boldt and, of course, he was all talk when it came to the promises he made them.

Whatever happened to the pro-life, anti gay marriage Marc Boldt?

He's disappeared in the wind along with his integrity.

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