Monday, August 06, 2018

As another NFL season looms, so does the headline: 74 people shot, 11 fatally, in Chicago over the weekend. Black lives don't seem to matter to blacks.

Yup.  This is called "the weekend." Or at least it is in Chicago.

I love football.  Played it for many years.  Love my Huskies, where I was a tackling dummy as a walk on for a little while back in 77.

But I don't love it enough to turn a blind eye to the ongoing insult and belittlement of my country, my Flag or my service to this Nation.

A group of people of the leftist bent feel compelled to, effectively, piss on our country whenever the mood strikes.

Among this group are professional athletes.   They are among the finest in the world at what they do.

But what they do involves playing a game.  It involves running with a ball, throwing a ball, catching a ball, tackling the guys carrying the ball.

For that, many of these people get paid tens of millions of dollars.

And many of those same people feel compelled to engage in their childish, hypocritical behavior that does their very best to divide this country and increase racial division as much as possible.

And damned few of them are personally doing anything about the Chicagos across this country... where thousands of blacks are killed and wounded... and almost all of them by those of the same color.

Recently, LeBron James has chosen to join with the race-baiters in trashing the President.  James, for his part, may be the finest basketball player to ever live.  But how does that give him any expertise in politics or race?

What mystifies me is why what he thinks, says or does makes any difference.

He's one of the multi-millionaire spoiled rotten punks out there using (or at least attempting to use) the less-fortunate for his own purposes.  While I do admire his honesty ("I wouldn't meet with the President if he wanted to.") that childish, playground bullshit, while worshipped by the left, doesn't cut it in real life.

Dak Prescott, quarterback for Dallas, doesn't go along with the race-based hatred; has said so and has been subsequently trashed by the leftists possessed of their plantation mentality.
"I never protest during the anthem, and I don't think that's the time or the venue to do so," Prescott said last month. "The game of football has always brought me such a peace, and I think it does the same for a lot of people, a lot of people playing the game, a lot of people watching the game, a lot of people that have any impact of the game. So when you bring such a controversy to the stadium, to the field, to the game, it takes away. It takes away from that. It takes away from the joy and the love that football brings to a lot of people. 
"So for me, I'm all about making a change, making a difference, and I think this whole kneeling and all that was all about just raising awareness. The fact that we're still talking about social injustice years later, I think we've got to that point. I think we've proved and we know that there's social injustice. So I'm for taking a next step that whatever that step may be for action, and not just kneeling. I've always believed in standing up for what I believe in, and that's what I'm going to continue to do." 
Prescott said he respects the players who have protested during the anthem, but he believes there is a better way to bring about a solution.
And he's getting hammered for it.

If the rest of the NFL shared his view, there'd be no boycott.

But they don't.

What if some white NBA player (The few there are... because, well, I guess affirmative action only counts for SOME) indicated they would never consider meeting with that hapless clown we got rid of in 2016?

There'd be riots in the street.  The NBA would crush him with fines if they didn't suspend him indefinitely.

James can play basketball.  Because he's a celebrity and good at a game, he's worshipped.  Because he's trashing the president, his words are echoed and reechoed around the land by a leftist lapdog media only to eager to hammer the administration as often as possible.

But how does his celebrity make him an expert?

Does this guy, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, experience oppression?  How about his kids or anyone else in his family?

I'll be continuing to avoid the NFL and their surrogates as well as their products and those who sponsor them.  As I will the NBA and any other outfit that believes they know better than the American people.

Dak Prescott is no expert, either. But his view isn't blinded by the hatred and victim inculcation that LeBron James uses to become the most recent flavor of the week media darling.

As a veteran, I'm all about the Constitution and the freedoms within.  Leftists?

Not so much.

I'm also all about protesting.  But this has never been about the 1st Amendment (which doesn't apply here) and these people have every right to engage in that protest whenever they want... as long as it's on THEIR time and not mine.

James, for example, has a right to shoot off his mouth even when, as in this case, it makes him sound like  hypocritical clown.

And while that will make him a hero of the left (Any moron spouting leftist garbage is a hero to the left) that doesn't make him right, it doesn't make him an expert and it doesn't mean that his opinion has any more value than my spaniel's.

And until the American people end their desire to be manipulated by the famous merely because they ARE famous, right or left?

We're going to be in serious trouble.

Meanwhile, these multi-millionaire punks throw their media hissy-fits.

And the rivers of black on black blood continue to flow while they drive their Bugattis.

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