Thursday, August 09, 2018

Thoughts on the primary.

In totality, it went about as expected.

It was likely to be Cantwell v. Hutchinson.

Hutchinson stands no chance.  It's Cantwell, as worthless as she is; but then, the leftists in this state would elect a brick if it were painted with a "D."

In congress here locally, it broke out the obvious way: the two establishment candidates made it through.

For her part, Herrera has been and remains worthless.  She has accomplished nothing of note; she trashed the President when he was a candidate and continues to trash him now, has no vision or plan to resolve the biggest problem confronting the people of the 3rd CD, has failed to get legislation passed to end Oregon's stupidity on tolling bridges already built and paid for and, of course, she voted to continue the abomination known as Obamacare.

Her admission in the Daily Democrat that she doesn't know how she'd vote when it comes to impeaching the President is likely to be her political death knell.

But then, Ridgefield Barbie has never been the brightest bulb on the tree.

Long, for her part, is a carpetbagger-leftist trying to sound like a progressive to attract the twisted Sanders vote.  A professor, we all know what they say: those who can, do.  Those who can't, teach.

I'd be stunned if Herrera didn't pull it out, but that can change as she keeps shooting herself in the political foot.  The reality is clear, however: they (Long and Herrera) are far too much alike and Herrera's biggest problem right now is convincing a GOP base who increasingly believes her to be a waste of skin that when the time comes to vote, they should vote for her.

She needs to become thoughtful and in a hurry.  Otherwise.... they won't.  And that's like asking her to fly by flapping her arms.

Herrera finds herself in an unusual position for her:  if she's going to win, she's finally going to have to work for it while hoping we actually forget her record.

I, for one, won't.

In the 18th District, Brandon Vick has found himself in a dog fight as a result of his idiotic decision to support the resurrection of the CRC/Loot Rail scam.  If he wants to win, he'd better repudiate Rivers' tax and spend ideology that led to our exploding property taxes and her betrayal on that selfsame CRC scam... and he'd better do it as soon as possible and loudly.  Further, he needs to dump the hapless Hoff, who has no more chance of winning than he does mastering the art of levitation.  Plastering his (Vick's) face on all those mailers shilling Hoff has to stop and they likely hurt Vick's vote total.

Though more votes are coming in, the last off-year election showed the GOP vote for Vick's House seat at around 15,700... at this point, Vick's vote total is 13000.  That means 2700 or more stayed home... or voted democrat.

Such a position, were Vick to announce it, would provide a reason for the base to do something they've not done in this primary: get out and vote.  As it is now, when Republicans vote like democrats on the issues most important to us, there's no reason to vote for them... which should become increasingly clear as GOP defeats mount.

Hoff has been doomed from the beginning.  Everyone knows he's the Establishment's puppet, hand-picked by the RINO Establishment from Wyman to Herrera on down.  He was chosen deliberately to block out any conservative candidate.

The problem for Hoff is, with apologies to General Patton, "he knows as much about politics as he does about fornication."

He's what's known in the parlance as a "stiff."  He has no original thoughts, he has no vision, he has no plan and no clue.  His "issues" page is worthless garbage... a few words set up to avoid any accountability for his actions.

His handlers stand him up like a Trump cardboard cutout while they do the talking for him.

That CAN work... if you're not surrounded by ignorant ego-maniacs who think they've actually got a clue... like the Wilson Brain Trust who are utterly incompetent, clueless and are largely responsible for this horrific outcome.

Much of Hoff's complete humiliation at the polls by a leftist in arguably the most conservative district in the region is a direct result of the advice he's been getting, combined with his own lack of political values and political cowardice.

This guy was in trouble the moment he chose to ignore me as a prospective constituent.  Not because it was me he was ignoring, but because his cowardice kept him from responding to my questions... which means his cowardice keeps him from responding to the questions of others as well.

He is a miserable political failure and because of his political ignorance and his decision to allow the RINO Establishment... despised by the base... to use him, he is heading for a deserved, ignominious defeat.

And it's far too late for him to do anything about it.

It is of note, for example, that a thousand voters went with Vick and then voted for Hoff's opponent, Gillespie.  Now... why do you suppose THAT is?

In the 17th, Vicki Kraft is in trouble.  The combined democrat vote exceeded her Republican vote count, never a good thing for an incumbent. Harris, for his part, is also one of the CRC scammers and he eked out a lead election night, but usually he is much further ahead.

One of the biggest problems the downtown mafia has is it looks like Marc Boldt is likely to lose.

The only reason he made it to the general election when he got the seat was because the RINOs jammed the ballot to split the vote... killing off any GOP candidate and keeping them off the ballot.  As a result of the write-in effort by Rep. Liz Pike, Boldt became county chair with a total of 39% of the vote.

That means 61% of the voting public did not want this clown in office.


This time around, even with massive RINO support, Boldt has come in next to last at 22%... which is 22% more than he deserves.

Boldt has been a disaster, effectively raising every tax and fee that he can and, of course, coming out totally behind the resurrection of the CRC scam.  And many of the fake Republican RINOs back him... which helped to kill him off politically.

He set about to undo everything David Madore accomplished and he did it out of spite... not because it was the right thing to do, but because of revenge since Madore blew him out in 2012.

It is too early to lock him off the ballot, however: there are enough votes remaining countywide that he may pull off a comeback... but it doesn't look likely.

Clearly, these early numbers are a well-deserved, crushing defeat for this guy and we would be well rid of him.  It looks pretty good for Eileen Quiring but she's in for a tough fight, thanks to the RINOs who would vote for Stalin over a conservative.

The night he won the election in 2015, he began to text me, taunting the Liz Pike effort as if she... or I... were miserable failures because he defeated a write-in.  It got so bad; I had to have him blocked at the corporate level.

Now that he is, again, rightfully sinking into political ignominy, I squelched the urge to remind him of that and to taunt him in return, since the only reason he won was the successful RINO plan to block out conservatives and keep them all off the ballot.

But he surely deserves it.

Scott Weber, county clerk, was elected on a lie.  His election platform when he first ran was that he was going to do all he could to eliminate his job as an elected position.  That was a novel idea and approach.

The problem?

He made no serious effort to follow through, being far more concerned about keeping a title and the pay check that went with it than he was following his campaign pledge.

I will never support a liar.  Weber is a liar and as a result, I believe his challenger, Melton, will win going away.

For County Treasurer, in yet another sign of GOP incompetence, the idiots running the local party into the ground failed to field candidates for this position or either House position in the 49th.  Topper, as much as a leftist clown as she is, seems to be the one to win, thanks in part to local GOP incompetence.

When it comes to the two council races, it would appear that Temple Lentz is the likely winner.  Stewart's impending defeat is a rather sweet, poetic justice considering that slimeball Crain shilled for her... and also, come to think of it, was out there supporting Boldt in the primary over the REPUBLICAN running for council chair... which is typical of RINO PCO's.

It's always better to have a real democrat/leftist in office than the fake/RINO variety.  You know exactly what to expect and exactly what they'll do.  With RINOs?  Not so much.

In the PUD Commissioner race, Judy Chipman got spanked, which was the right outcome, considering she was only running because she was bored and didn't have anything else to do... she said.  Jim Malinowski has done a great job in the PUD and deserves reelection.

Politically in Clark County, this is a miserable... but expected, outcome.

Compared to the past several years, this is a terrible outcome for the local GOP.

Up until now, 12 of 15 legislative seats in Clark County, 4 of 5 county council seats and the majority of county offices have been held by candidates at least claiming GOP allegiance.

There is a very real possibility that, thanks in large part to the incompetence of local GOP leadership and the RINO philosophies of many of the candidates, 4 of those 12 legislative seats are at risk, at least one of the county seats and at least 1 of the council seats are likely to flip.

Comparisons abound.  Incompetent, arrogant, inept leadership.  Criminal and drug addled.  Dogged RINO determination to depress the base and keep us from voting as if the democrats were paying them.

RINO hatred of conservatives exceeds that of the most ardent leftist.  And they have no problem burning down the entire Party to implement their get-along to go-along vision of government.

The party leadership is largely responsible for this result, although they will surely blame everyone and everything else.

Had these candidates all been successful, you can bet that the Druggy Dave cult would be taking all the credit.

But now, as expected, it's blown up in their faces, they will do everything they can to distance themselves from these numbers and double down on the morons they ran in an abortive attempt to bail both themselves... and their RINO candidates out.

With the impending disaster looming in front of us, once again they should all resign... Druggy and his cult most of all.

But we all know better, don't we?

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