Monday, August 13, 2018

More sickening Crain hypocisy.

One of the biggest issues confronting the local GOP is the acidic impact on the Party by Carolyn Crain.

Much of that has been documented in these pages... for example, her fake Republican PAC which was designed to make sure a conservative wasn't elected council chair in 2015... when she rabidly supported the hopelessly-over-his-head Marc Boldt... and who again endorsed Boldt for THIS election over the only Republican running for county chair in this election, Eileen Quiring.

Eileen, of course, is a conservative Republican.  Crain, to the everlasting shame of the Clark County GOP is a RINO, conservative hating, Republican Precinct Committee Officer.

Crain isn't the only one, of course: the RINO scum former GOP chairs behind the hate letters attacking fellow Republicans running for PCO (Eleventh Commandment? WHAT Eleventh Commandment?) had her fingerprints all over them, and now, of course, she wants us all to pull to pull together and vote for her RINO list.

Yet, she has no problem ditching the GOP whenever the mood strikes has she has done in the last two elections for Boldt.

In spite of the RINOs continuing to support Boldt, he was hopelessly crushed in the primaries with 22 percent, no thanks to this hypocrite.

And now, having been humiliated by her efforts to torpedo the only Republican running for the county chair position, she's had an epiphany:

"Super excited?"

She had done everything she could to saddle us with that clueless idiot Boldt... again... and he got clobbered.

NOW all of a sudden, she's "super excited" to have the GOP endorse Eileen Quiring?

The PCO's made a huge mistake today for reasons that escape me:  Prior to endorsements, which were supposed to have recommendations from the endorsement committee that the simple moron Chair didn't care enough about to make sure was up and running, there was no discussion of any of these candidates.  Many of them, including Jaime Herrera, would NOT have been endorsed since the 2/3rds rule was in effect.

That's a discussion that needed to happen before the endorsement votes.  Just like Crain needed to be asked.... in public... why she tried so hard to hurt the GOP in this election like she's done in the past.

And, I would point out that the main reason the meeting was so "calm," was for the most part, Crain kept her RINO pie-hole shut.

Gellatly, for his part, did his usual miserable job, but Crain is all about ignoring the issues Druggy carries around like luggage while she kisses the RINO regime's ass.

The divide in the party, emphasized moronically by Joel Mattila in his opening remarks Saturday, is bigger than ever.  The complete lack of leadership made Mattila playing the role of the village idiot inevitable.  He wants to be national delegate again he tells us.

As it turns out, he's not even going to be running a political elevator.

Of course, those on Crain's little list; Hutchison, Stewart, Hoff and Weber are likely toast.

While our worthless congresswoman will likely be sent back, it will be close.  Do you actually help the woman who has betrayed her constituents so many times.... including voting against the repeal of Obamacare?

When she did that, who, exactly, was she representing?  Why is she so deserving of the RINO slavish devotion these people show?  What has she done FOR us, instead of TO us?

As for me, for over a decade, I've left the door open for Jaime Herrera to earn my vote. That door has now slammed shut. (With a minor apology to Ridgefield Barbie, who said "For months I've left the door open for Donald Trump to earn my vote. That door has now slammed shut." )

I'll be returning the favor she did for us by following her own example by writing in Paul Ryan for her seat.... just like she wrote Ryan in for president.

Kraft is in for a full-on fistfight. Is the local party doing all they can to help?  What about her own Caucus?  What about her seat mates, Rep. Paul Harris and Sen. Lynda "Property Tax" Wilson?

I get that the Wilsons and their pit yorkie, Steve Nelson, have likely screwed up Hoff's campaign beyond repair.  But that doesn't mean they can't transfer campaign dollars to Kraft.

Have they done so?

Atkins and Kimsey aren't running, and Kimsey could care less whether the local GOP endorsed him or not.

Crain has done and is doing geometrically more damage to the local GOP brand than anyone, outside of Gellatly. The democrats sit there... laugh... and eat popcorn because that nutjob is doing far more damage to the local GOP than all the democrats put together.

With people like that shooting off their collective mouths, is it any wonder the GOP had such a miserable showing in our recent primary election?  Will it be any wonder that the miserable showings continue as long as fake Republicans like Crain are involved?

1 comment:

  1. Voted for Quiring and Hutchison (not that she's likely to win), sat on my hands for Jaime herrera Beutler. We'll see for the general election in November if I have the strength to fill in the boxes for any of the RINO clowns. This is the most disgusting bunch of so-called Republican candidates I've ever seen...


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