Sunday, August 12, 2018

Brent Boger, acting like a full on baby: "I didn't really want to win my PCO race anyway."

Thankfully, Brent Boger lost his PCO election to Connie Joe Freeman and effective in January when the Reorganization happens, he will no longer be a formal part of the RINO clique of the party.

His response to his defeat was, essentially, two-fold:

1.  I didn't really want it, and
2.  You all are amateurs who don't know what you're doing.

Both are utter nonsense.

Seriously.  That's what he wrote on Liz Pike's page before he Gellatlied his post:
Brent David Boger - I’m really not unhappy at all about losing. I was ready to move on. I only ran because I thought they might need my vote at reorganization.

Most PCO’s are like insect drones mating. Once they vote for leadership, they don’t have much purpose other than flailing around and fading away.

I may have lost, but you lost Berrigan, Delavar, Colwell, Silliman, Standal, Hotrum, Heckler, Rohan, Decker, Moon, Warren, Halle, Svehaug, Emerson, Ley, Cox, Austen, a Van Gelder, and two Metzgers.

That’s a nice trade for not having to go to these aggravating meetings any more or to Lincoln Day Dinners. I win all the way around by losing an irrelevant election as a result of outcomes in other precincts.
His list is inaccurate at this point: some of these names actually won their seats when additional counts had them picking up the needed votes.

Naturally, her failed to mention the hate mail his RINO sect sent out, replete with outright lies and exaggerations that caused many of these results.

That said, Boger and his ilk in the Party bubble simply can't count.  When reorg happens, the very thing this political moron claims isn't going to happen, WILL happen.

And who knew that Boger thought of himself as a drone while he was a PCO?

And that said, if you really didn't want the gig, then why sign up to run? 

If you don't really want to be reelected as a PCO, do you really go to the trouble of setting up a PCO campaign page?  I mean, why would you do that?

Are these the actions of a guy who doesn't really want the gig?

And then, when people set him straight, his playground response included garbage like this:
Brent David Boger -  Kathy Metzger Don't lecture me on character. You're little cult is out. Goodbye.
Boger and the rest of the RINOs, for their part, can't count.

Many of the PCO seats for the next two years will be filled by individuals like me:  Conservatives who filed at the last minute for unoccupied/uncontested seats.

The Boger clown types base their "invulnerability" shtick based ONLY on the outcome of the contested races those scum poisoned in the abortive effort to keep control of the party.

Then, there was this beauty:
Brent David Boger - You are, all of you, amateurs. And serious governmental affairs should never be run by amateurs. Do you have any idea of what sort of place you have created by acting on your ignoble instincts? What you need is not hyper-right politicians, but real ones. You need professionals to run your affairs, or you're headed for disaster! (With apologies to Kazuo Ishiguro)
Shortly afterwards, I arrived at the thread and nailed Boger to a tree.  His immediate response was to delete his idiotic posts, but not before they were screen captured:
Boger: "You are, all of you, amateurs. And serious governmental affairs should never be run by amateurs."

Says the sitting city councilman and Assistant city Attorney for Vancouver that just got his ass kicked in his own precinct by one of those very "amateurs."

Yeah. And Druggy is a professional, right?

Was Brent's buddy, Shawn Guard, who he used to email me what he believed to be damaging information for my blog a "professional?" Were those professional texts that Boger defended him over?

Went to a church awhile back (Ron Hart's, actually) and he would occasionally remind us that the Titanic was built by experts... and the Ark was built by amateurs.

That the lies the establishment scum sent out seemed to have an impact doesn't make those who ran anything but concerned about the damage Boger and the rest of the RINO morons are causing. 
And democrat gains in THIS election?

He and his fellow RINO's need to look around in ever-shrinking concentric circles that end directly in the middle of their chests.

And by the way, Brent, I DO "know why," and it doesn't have a damned thing to do with what you're babbling.

Hoff and the morons running his show don't have a clue. Gillespie is working her ass off and Hoff is mailing it in because those clueless idiots running his show told him all he had to do is stand there and they'd take care of the rest.

"Realignment" doesn't mean squat when you're too lazy and too stupid to do the work.

 As I pointed out, Boger immediately took his posts down when I nailed him here.

Now, the point of posting all of this is to illustrate the arrogance and stupidity of the Gellatly Cult running the GOP.

They think what they think.  As Boger admitted, the fake "big tent" doesn't have room for anyone to the right of Mao.

These same scum will, of course, demand the same party loyalty they ignore whenever they feel like it.

Clearly, to be one of these slimeballs is to be a political hypocrite.

Any idea that the local Party is unified is absurd on its face.  Boger's babble is an expose' of that exact, same thing.

There's little interest in working with these scum.  There's much more interest in politically neutering those like Boger, Crain and that ilk and in December, that is exactly what will happen.

This is a direct result of a complete lack of competent leadership, planning and execution.  Those running the show... or who THINK they're running it, have no more idea of competent volunteer organization management and leadership than they do about performing a breast augmentation.

And we all suffer for it.

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