Monday, August 13, 2018

What it's like living in Gellatly's head.

Saturday at the PCO meeting, you'd have thought that the recent embarrassment and waste of money represented by the "Be Bold" idiocy was the greatest political advance since the hanging chad.

It wasn't.

But our drugged out chair is not only convinced that it is.... (And how much was Bitner paid for this stupidity?) he and his minions can't shut up about it.

Well, I disagree with Snowman.  For me, the reason is obvious.  For the first time in years, several allegedly GOP candidates who SHOULD have won their primaries failed to do so.  Many others are far too close for comfort.

But Druggy is SOOOOO convinced of his omnipotence that he feels compelled to share his disdain with other RINO's.... in this case, Lefty Lew Waters:

The reasons are obvious, of course: the incompetent leadership of the Party by this moron is high on the list.

A slate of mainly RINO candidates that kept the base home in droves.

Incompetent advice by fake Republicans that some were moronic enough to listen to.  (Larry Hoff?  You paying attention?  It's not like I didn't warn your dumb ass.)

And yes, as he usually does, Gellatly has made his excuses: "Dems was obviously even more so but expected."[sic]

Yeah.  Their turnout exploded while Gellatly and his thugs depressed GOP turnout dramatically, comparatively speaking.

Because here's the thing:

I've been all over this county over the months and you know what I DIDN'T see?

Any signs by democrats begging their people to turn out and vote.

So, when you compare turnouts in this county, it would seem that the democrats were a little bolder.... and all without wasting a cent on pathetic signs that were the brain child of a pathetic GOP chair.

The question, then, is this: would any of the morons like Hoff who disgraced himself in the 18th district have done even WORSE (if that's possible) without this stupid advertising campaign?

How much did it cost the party?  When are these people going to start to fund candidates?

It's nice to know, however, that our theft afflicted, druggy chair reads my little effort that he so publicly despises... considering how many times he fed me information about that whack-job Crain.

So, what's it like inside that vacuous space?

In between snow storms, the echo is loud and endless.  It's weird that someone who takes so much delight in attacking, belittling and threatening me would follow along so closely with what I've written.

Let me leave a little memo for you, Davey:  Figures don't lie, but liars figure.  Just like your lies about how much money the Lincoln Day Dinner after the Tommy Cleavage debacle, your conclusions about how much more the turnout is and why it is what it is are as factual and justified as any of the rest of your lies.

You pull a number out of thin air.  You fail to mention that turnout was abysmally low for the primary in 2016 as well... at 32%.

Further, you naturally left out what the breakout numbers were if you have them... so instead, you threw out a random number as if you were telling the truth.

Whatever the GOP voter numbers were, clearly the democrats did much, much better than you.

And the reasons are simple: you and your cult have shattered the party, killed fundraising, failed to plan (For example, you didn't even know, of your own admission, that the endorsement/vetting committee had no members and had not met) which is, of course, just another one of your many abysmal failures.

The local democrats out think, out lead, out managed, our executed, out communicated and they were, in effect, able to do everything that YOU managed to screw up.

And you know what?

I doubt that they threatened any of their most devoted followers like you have, Davey.  And I also doubt that they lied about the money they've made off their JJ Dinners, or attempted to "defame" someone (and since we all know about how you feel about BEING "defamed," you scumbag...) nor did they sue any of their PCO's and electorally, they kicked YOUR head in.

Have to wonder how they managed to achieve so much success without doing anything to shatter THEIR party organization around here.... or paying for moronic, idiotic, say nothing, do nothing signs.

"Confused?"  Of course you were,  But to get away from confusion first requires you to achieve a state of sobriety.

If your lame campaign had made any real difference, these disgraceful results of your running the local GOP into the ground wouldn't look like this.

If you knew what you were doing as the guy running this show, these disgraceful results of your running the local GOP into the ground wouldn't look like this.

And no amount of whining on another RINO's thread is going to change any of that.

The responsibility for the political outcomes around here begins and ends with you.


And when you got involved, there was nowhere for the Party to go except down.  And you and your RINO cult have obligingly made that happen.

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