Friday, July 06, 2018

The leftist democrats loose their minds: "Blast reckless jobs boom." Will the local GOP be smart enough to use it? (Long)

I get that the current local GOP regime knows as much about politics as my spaniel and they're much more concerned about the next party than they are defeating the democrats. 

After all, that's how RINOs roll, right?  When you've got a party-boy running the show, failing to pay attention; failing to do their job; failing to take any public action besides moronic waste-of-money campaign signs that accomplish nothing ("Be Bold"  barf)

But here's a key to victory.  Make the leftists dance.

THAT is great news, right?  Who can't be excited about this great economic outcome of the Trump policies that have been put into place?

Well, the leftists.

If the person on the left in the picture above had been named Hillary Clinton, leftists would have been jubilant in their response.  They'd be doing that "see, I told you so" kind of thing... and they'd be doing it rightfully.

But Hillary is a broken down, has-been never-was.  So, in keeping with their policy of, well, if Mr. Trump had cured cancer, they'd complain about the shape of the test tubes he used to make that happen....HERE is the leftist response:

Dems blast booming jobs report, Trump worker agenda, ‘reckless’

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