Thursday, July 05, 2018

Democrats: snatching defeat from the jaws of victory... unless the GOP helps them.

As the mid terms are coming, mention of the so-called "Blue Wave" has long since disappeared, even in the fringe-left media.

The face of democrats is the face of insanity and hatred.

Maxine Waters?  That little punk Ocasio-Cortez, who has been outed as a pathological liar?  Nancy Pelosi?

Harassment of President Trump's staff and voters who support him?

And now, the growing fringe-left demand to abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), to open our borders to anyone, to give amnesty as a reward to the millions who came here illegally under Obama's despicable and unconstitutional DACA fiasco, (not unlike the moron we have "representing" us in Congress now, come to think of it) attacking the red-hot, full employment economy; shifting from the President causing nuclear war over his handling of North Korea to attacking him for engaging in diplomacy, and whining like cut cats because he gets another Supreme Court appointment.

At the state level, all tax increases, all the time.  (NOTE: The then-GOP-controlled State Senate wasn't any better, to be sure... but the leftists are doubling down with gun-grabber initiative and massive tax increases on fuel) local leftist politicians playing the "Me Too" game by shilling positions at the federal level they have no say over (The "family separation" scam that I indicated the leftists would continue to beat the hell out of the Administration over, even before the President screwed up by signing that executive order)

Look at the democrats running... even here locally.  Look at their positions (Which, to give them credit for, at least they HAVE positions, unlike so many of the RINOs running, like Hoff.) and ask yourself: who in the hell are these people representing?

For many democrats, the GOP incumbents are low-hanging fruit.  But the candidates they run insist on babbling like they're from downtown Seattle instead of from the districts or counties they would govern. They use code words instead of speaking plainly... "Investment" instead of "taxes" and the like.

Most, if not all of these candidates salivate at the idea of a state income tax.  Most of the leftists running against the clueless idiot congresswoman we have now all sound like Bernie Sanders clones.

Most of the leftists want the police to invade our homes and take our guns away from us because, let's face it, all too often they see the Constitution as an impediment to their agenda instead of the framework for government.

Here in Clark County, that should make a huge difference if the GOP Chair would become more interested in campaigning against democrats than he is his next fix... or suing PCO's.  But the local GOP regime spends FAR more time attacking PCO's with political positions to the right of Mao than they do attacking democrat issues and policies.

It's not like I get any of my information from the local GOP; hell, no.  They keep their mouth shut and let the left run roughshod over the few candidates they're running against since most GOP incumbents in office now CLAIM to be GOP as a convenient way to get elected... but vote like they're all named Jimmy Moeller.

No, the local GOP is, essentially, worthless.  An idiotic, non-working sign campaign ("Be Bold?"  Are you fricking kidding me?) is the extent of their public face... a laughable, clueless, directionless, fractured outfit that is only interested in their cocktail party agenda and continuing in office instead of governance and actually making a difference.

So, as out of touch as the leftists are around here, any success they meet will be, in part, because of the RINO elements that keep the base home by voting as if the "R's" after their names were, in fact "D's."

And if any conservative actually wins this November, it will be in spite of the clueless idiots running the local GOP and not because of them.

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