Sunday, July 08, 2018

Who to vote for in the upcoming primary?

Always an interesting question.

Here are my criteria:

1.  Did they lie to get elected in the past?
2.  Have they lied since they were elected?
3.  Did they vote to jack up our taxes and/or fees?
4.  Do they ignore your emails/letters or other communications?
5.  Do they vote like the special interests own them?
6.  Specifically, did they vote in support of the CRC/Loot Rail resurrection?
7.  Do they support Obamacare and vote against its repeal?
8.  Do they support an income tax?
9.  Do they support gun grabbing?
10.  Do they support open borders, illegal aliens voting, and attack the President for doing the same things Obama did during HIS regime?
11.  Do they use a big-mouthed spouse out there as a surrogate to attack conservatives?
12.  Are they arrogant scum?

Any one of these reasons or combination of reasons?  Then don't vote for them.

1.  Do they support an income tax?
2.  Do they support gun grabbing?
3.  Do they lie?
4.  Do they mouth talking points based on hatred?
5.  Do they sound like they're more suited to be representing the U District in Seattle than any part of Clark County?
6.  Are they endorsed by anyone guilty of any of the reasons listed under "incumbent" above?
7.  Do they support Obamacare?
8.  Do they ignore your emails/letters or other communications?
9.  Do they support open borders, illegal aliens voting, and attack the President for doing the same things Obama did during HIS regime?
10.  Are they arrogant scum?
11.  Are they running because they've retired, they're bored and they don't have anything better to do?  (And at least one candidate for a non-partisan position in Clark County IS  basing their candidacy on that motivation.)
Any one of these reasons or combination of reasons?  Then don't vote for them.

There are many out there who would demand that we turn a blind eye to this sort of thing and vote, if nothing else, based on the party affiliation.

We, they say, should ignore the threats, the lies, the drug use, the sell-outs like we have in the past because THIS time, rewarding these people with your precious vote?

Well, THIS time... it will ALL be different.  Right?

RINOs, for example, demand party loyalty for the candidates THEY support, but being rank hypocrites, they refuse to meet that standard when a conservative is running.

Why might that be?

Well, that's neither here nor there.

Everyone voting should be capable of answering these questions about anyone they're voting for and then explain why that knowledge does... or does not... matter in their decision.

I know I can.

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