Thursday, July 05, 2018

The left is losing their minds.

In yet additional proof that scum gravitate to the left, this moron felt compelled to steal a MAGA hat and then assault a teenager at a Whataburger located in San Antonio in a nearly empty restaurant.

This appears to be the kind of lowlife that gravitates to the message of that despicable cow, Maxine Waters... her message of hatred and racism.

The attack appears to have been both politically and racially motivated based on what this scumbag had to say in the video.  When he arrested (And he WILL be arrested) he should be charged with a hate crime and then he should have his immigration status checked.

My reaction likely would have been somewhat more violent... either as the victim of this scumbag or as a bystander.

So, the next time you hear a leftist politician babble about any of the downtown Seattle crap they want to ram down our throats, remember this video:

This is what the left represents.  In a nut shell.  Listen to the silence of the left over this attack, here and everywhere else.  Don't hold your breath waiting for the statements of condemnation from them over this attack: you likely won't hear any.

And if this scum is illegal?

They'd protest his deportation.

Because that's how they roll.

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